Chapter 30 - Sophie's Testimony

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"How are you feeling?"

    "Fine." Darren shrugged uncomfortably.

    Jasper continued to hover near the couch worriedly. He had been doing this since the night before.

    It turned out that Beth had gotten a pretty deep gash when her leg fell through that rusty roof, so she had to get stitches and was now off duty along with Kenny, who was desperately waiting for his daughter to wake up.

    There was a myriad of police keeping an eye on the hospital since Holly was a key witness to the investigation, so as soon as she woke up, they hoped she would answer once and for all who it was that was taking the kids.

    As for Gerrit, he had met up with the exorcist a few hours ago and was escorting the guy around so they could find and banish Jared. This left Darren home alone with Jasper and Mary. Though Mary was once again hiding away in the garden to grieve alone. Soon she'd have to start moving things out so Jasper could properly inherit the house, even though the guy had previously told her that she was welcome to stay as long as she needed to.

    "I'll make you some tea." Jasper decided, and hurried off to the kitchen without waiting for Darren to accept the offer.

    The man had refused to leave the rogue's side ever since they rescued Holly. He even tried bringing up their earlier conversation once or twice, but Darren shot him down each time, mainly because he felt embarrassed talking about it.

Jasper was definitely not the same bully that he once knew, but the rogue still wasn't quite comfortable with the feelings that were beginning to stir within him. He'd like to blame it on the bond, but thanks to the collar, he knew that wasn't the cause.

As if that wasn't enough stress, his last hopes for Sophie being cleared were dashed when the Sheriff confirmed that they had found Cyanide in her house. The only other person they needed to pin down was Gerrit, and Darren was hesitant to bring that up with Jasper until he had proof, which was what he hoped Holly would provide.

    Getting up, he hobbled to the bathroom where he found his reflection less than flattering thanks to his flushed cheeks and dark eyes. That wasn't too surprising considering the fact that he had come down with a cold. Because of his illness, Jasper had decided to work from home to make sure he was alright.

    Running a hand through his overgrown hair, Darren spotted the Rogue's Collar and was hit with a strange sense of de' ja' vu, as though he had seen something like it recently.

    Try as he might, he couldn't recall where or when, so he shook his head and decided it was his fever talking. Quickly he finished up and found Jasper sitting on the couch with a tray. On it was a cup of hot tea and some chicken noodle soup.

    Darren frowned, not wanting to cuddle up with the guy for fear of his heat kicking in, so he accepted the tray and moved to the far end of the couch where he wrapped  a blanket around his shoulders and ate quietly.

    "Are you sure you don't want to talk?" Jasper asked hesitantly.

    Darren sighed in annoyance. He could be direct, but decided that changing the topic was better. "I saw a ghost in the woods. A woman with long hair. She was with Holly before we rescued her."

    The Alpha looked a bit surprised, but went ahead with the conversation. "Who was she?"

    "I don't know. That's the strange part. I'm not sure if she was a ghost since she turned into a deer and ran off."

    "A deer?" Jasper sounded like he knew something, and the rogue waited for him to elaborate.

    "Do you remember those old stories we heard back when we were kids? The ones about the forest guardian that made friends with the first Alpha?"

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