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Arthur's POV

        I was on my daily walk when a small glint caught me eye. I decided to go toward it and when it was close enough for me to see what it was, but what shocked me was that the glint wasn't an it infact it was a person. I was interested why there was somebody in a field in the middle of nowhere. All these thoughts were in my mind until I heard crying from the person. It came to my mind to walk up to the person and ask what's wrong. It took some courage to walk up to the person to realise that it's a young woman crying and she was mumbling something along the lines of her not being able to see the brother again.
        This caused me to rush over to her and tap her shoulder and ask her why she isn't able to see her brother again because I know how it feels to be unable to see a family member anymore. I then decided to tap her shoulder which caused her to turn around and the first thing that I notice about her were her eyes. They were the exact same colour that my sister had the last time I saw her. I was cut out of my thoughts when the woman coughed to get my attention.
        " are you okay miss 'cause I heard you crying just a few feet away?" I asked while rubbing the back of my head. She looked at me then avoided any eye contact. She seemed a bit uncomfortable with the question I asked.
        "Yeah I'm fine it's just that I haven't seen my brother in a very long time and you sort of remind me of him somehow. If you don't mind me asking what your name is?" she told me then asked.
        "My name is Arthur Kirkland. Also I didn't catch what your name was miss?" I tell her then I ask.
        "It's because I haven't told you my name and it's Eryn Silver Kirkland." she responded.
        I was taken back a bit because that was the name of my sister when she was taken away from my family when we were just children. It must have shocked her as well when she properly processed my name. She then looked up and just looked straight into my eyes. The way the facial expressions changed when she tried to figure something out while looking at me. Then she pounced me to the ground and was mumbling something along the lines of 'I have finally found you' and what not. It didn't take me long to realise that this was my sister Eryn that I haven't seen since Ancient Roman times. I was just so happy to finally be reunited with my sister.
        "Is it really you, Arthur?" she asked with a bit of doubt in her voice.
        "Yes it's really me, Eryn. I haven't seen you since Ancient Roman times."
        "When we were younger I was told that the Great Roman Empire had fallen and that you had died. I didn't want to believe that you had died because I had notice through time that your country kept growing and thriving with life. I knew then that you couldn't have died because every country persona knows when a country doesn't have a persona to represent it then its economy will fall apart and die." she tells me while still clinging onto me.
        I could tell by the way that she's clinging onto me that this is the first time that something that had been told to her had been a lie. She looks innocent and I'm trying to figure out who would try to lie to her. Eryn doesn't seem like the person others would lie to. Just having the thoughts of never seeing Eryn ever again would cause me to stop supporting my country and start looking for her, but now I don't have to do that because I have found her. I'm just hoping that the other countries don't freak out when they find out that I'm not the only persona for the country of England. Let's just hope that the rest of our siblings don't find out that she is still alive.
        All of my thoughts were cut off when I heard my phone ringing and caused me to pull out of Eryn's hug. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the call receiver said 'Alfred (America or Self-proclaimed Hero)'. I was hoping not to get a single call today. Out of all the days the American idiot calls me, it's the day I have found out that my sister is alive. I'm just glad that he didn't call me when I was in a meeting with my boss. I was debating whether to answer the American idiot or not, but I finally chose to answer the phone.
        "Hey you finally chose to answer my call, Iggy." I heard the American idiot say though the line.
        "I was hoping that you would just give up on trying to call me. What do you want, Alfred because I have things to attend to?" I asked.
        "Well I was going to ask you, when are you going to arrive to the world meeting tomorrow? Remember that your country is hosting this one and the one next week."
        "Yes I remember that my country is hosting two of the world meeting and I usually arrive two hours prior to the time the meeting is suppose to begin. Why are you asking?"
        "Well I was wondering if you knew a place I could stay for the next few days."
        "I know a place you can stay, but on one condition. If you cause me any trouble in my home then I'll send you a hotel, personally."
        "Thanks Iggy. I'll be heading to your home in 30 minutes or so." And with that he hung up. I was glad to finally be off the phone, but then only other problem I had to deal with now was how will he react when he meets Eryn.
        "There's so much that I didn't think about before allowing Alfred to stay at my manor for two straight weeks. Why does everything have to be so difficult for me at this very moment? Anyway right now isn't the time for me to worry about foolish things. Ugh I hadn't thought of how my idiotic siblings would react if they suddenly found out that we have another sister besides Guinevere. They would be pissed.
        "Um Arthur are you okay? You seem spaced out. I heard Eryn's voice pull me out of my thoughts.
        "Oh umm...I'm perfectly fine. I was just trying to think of a way to introduce you to the other counties and to our siblings." I told her after getting up off the ground and walked with her to the Kirkland manor.
        "Oh I didn't know that we had any siblings?"
        "We have 5 siblings total. their names are Alistair, Guinevere, Seamus, Dylan, and Peter. Alistair is the oldest and is also known as Scotland.
        Dylan is the 2nd oldest, also known as Wales. Guinevere is the younger twin sibling to Seamus, also known as Republic of Ireland, and Seamus and her are the 3rd and 4th oldest. Seamus is the older twin sibling to Guinevere, also known as Northern Ireland. Finally Peter, he's the youngest of our siblings, he's known as Sealand, but in my opinion isn't a county." I sort of felt bad about saying that Peter isn't a county, but it's true. He's only a tag-along because of Alistair.
        "Well is there any other information I need to know about our siblings?"
        "Other than the fact that Alistair kept blaming me for you going missing and he constantly beat me for that.
        "That's a terrible thing for you to endure"
        "But I was fine with it. Anyway lets head to the Kirkland manor before Alfred does."
        "Yeah that's a good idea." That was the final thing we said to each other before we took a walk toward the Kirkland Manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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