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"Hiroyuki, Velvet, Haruki, and Nora all got up early on a (somewhat) peaceful morning, and decided to go down to Mantle to spend the day."

"However, a few minutes after they got there, they were suddenly attacked by three aliens."

"Alien Zamu Xemoden."

"An Alien Fabarais named Merkitto(マーキット Mākitto)"

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"An Alien Fabarais named Merkitto(マーキット Mākitto)"

"An Alien Fabarais named Merkitto(マーキット Mākitto)"

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"And an Alien Zatan named Zyivu(ザイヴ zaivu)."

Nora:"Let me guess, Your master Salem sent you

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Nora:"Let me guess, Your master Salem sent you."

Xemoden:"Your half correct, Salem sent us to get rid of Velvet and Hiroyuki."

"Xemoden grows to a giant size."

Hiroyuki:"Nora, you and Haruki handle things down here, me and Velvet will fight Xemoden."

Nora:"Wait, WHAT!!?."

"Before Coco could react, Hiroyuki and Velvet had already transformed into Tri-Blade Velvet." 

"Start music here"

"Zyivu and Merkitto both attack Haruki and Nora."

 Xemoden:"You know what it is about you Faunus I hate." 

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT" VOL3Where stories live. Discover now