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"Haruki, Sho, and Coco were waiting for the results of if Nora was really going to have a child."

Sho:"Wait, so what your saying is that.....Nora is going to have a Child."


Z:"Ultra awesome!!."

"Dan comes out into the waiting room."

Dan:"Haruki, Sho, three can come in."

Sho:"Ok Seven."

"Dan leads them to the room Nora's in." 

Hikar:"Hey Nora, so whats the news."

Nora:"Well, take a look for your self."

"Nora hand the four ultra-sound photos the nurse took." 

Sho:"Thats amazing."

Dan:"Your going to be a mother."

Coco:"Nora, I'm so happy for you."

Haruki:"I'm going to be a father."

"All of the sudden, Kotaro Higashi (Ultraman Taro's host) comes into the room."

Dan:"Taro, how are you?

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Dan:"Taro, how are you?."

Kotaro:"Im good, how are you Seven."

Dan:"We are fine."

Kotaro:"I just wanted to come down to congratulate you Nora, Julie told me the news."

Nora:"Thank you Taro, I don't know of anything that could ruin my mood."

????:"Then let me try."

"Kotaro's face turns serious."

Kotaro:"That voice."

"Kotaro turns around only to see Kirisaki standing there."

"Start music here"

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"Start music here"

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT" VOL3Where stories live. Discover now