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"Hiroya, Winter, Kali, and Dan were all waiting for the news about how Gamu was."

Dan:"I guess Blakes vision was unavoidable."

Kali:"I guess so, but how can we save her?."

Hiroya:"Without Gamu....there is pretty much nothing we can do!."

"Someone comes out of Gamu's hospital room, It was Julie."

"Ultraman Justices Human form"

"Ultraman Justices Human form"

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Dan:"Julie, how is he?."

Julie:"(Shrugs) How should I know, I'm no nurse."

Kali:"So, what now?."

Julie:"Well right now I kind of feel like having some coffee because my brain hurts from thinking."

Hiroya:"Yeah, I could also go for some coffee right now

"Dan and Winter both go down to the lobby to get some coffee."

Julie:"Hey, Hiroya."


Julie:"Tell me something interesting."

Hiroya:"Sure, do you know that you have enough Nervous tissues to cover that seat you sitting in."

"Julie looks at Hiroya fo about 10 seconds."

Julie:"Now I think I'm going to lose my appetite for the next few days."

Hiroya:"Your welcome."

"Gai comes running in."

Gai:"Hey, is there any news about Gamu?."


Gai:"So, what the news."

Julie:" He is still not awake."

"Dan and Winter come back up."

Gai:"Hey, no coffee for me?."

Dan:"Sorry Orb, you didn't ask."

Hiroya:"Gai, go check on Gamu."


"Gai goes to Gamu's room."

Julie:"Ahhhh, whats the use of checking on Gamu, it might take a month for him to wake up."

"As Julie takes a sip of her coffee, Gai bursts out of Gamu's room and yells."

Gai:"HE'S AWAKE!!"

"Julie spits out her coffee."

Hiroya:"Oh, what was that again miss thinks she knows all."

Julie:"Aughhh, thats really hot coffee, (Catches her breath).....what??."

Hiroya:"(Grabs Julies arms) Come on."

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT" VOL3Where stories live. Discover now