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"The location was Anima's snowy region."

"The area was silent, only the howl of the wind broke the silence."


"Start music here"

"Winter, Coco and Ultraman Joneus hit the ground with a hard thud."

Winter:"Fujimiya, these things are hard to beat."

Coco:"What do we do?."

Joneus:"I dont know!."

"Winter and Coco were in their Ultrawoman forms, helping Ultraman Joneus fight three Kaiju."



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"And Margodon

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"And Margodon."

"Snowgon roar"

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"Snowgon roar"

"Margodon roar"

"Coco and Joneus went to attack the three Kaiju, but they both blasted by Snowgon's with their freezing breath."


"Coco fell to her knees, while Joneus fell on his back."

"Winter ran at the three ice Kaiju as well, but was slapped in the face by Guigass, and rammed in the back by Margodon."

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT" VOL3Where stories live. Discover now