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"As Super Alien Hipporit Jigoku stumbled away in pain, she herd two voices behind her."

Justice:"Your not getting away from us Jigoku."

Ace:"You shall pay for your crimes against your own species."

"Jigoku laughs as she turns towards them."

Jigoku:"I may be injured, but I can still fight both of you."

"Start music here"

"Ace and Justice get into a battle pose, and charge at Jigoku."

"Jigoku fires a beam from her hands at Ace and Justice."

Ace:"Ultra Guillotine!."

"Ace throws three light saws at the beams, and cuts all three of them in half."

Justice:"Victorium ray!."

Ace:"Punch laser!."

"Jigoku holds her hand out, and causes the beam to go right."

Justice:"She has telepathy!?."

Ace:"Justice, I have an idea, I need you to fly around her and hit her with everything you've got."

Justice:"I don't know what you'r planning...but ok."

"Justice leaps towards Jigoku, and begins to fly around her."

Jigoku:"What are you trying to do Justice!?, bore me to death?."

Justice:"I have no idea what I'm doing!."

Jigoku:"And you will die that way!."

"Jigoku begins to throw all of her energy/flame attacks at Justice, who also uses every energy attack he has."

Justice:"This is stupid, what is Ace planning?."

"Jigoku then hits Justice with her Hipporit Eye Rifle beams, and Justice hits the ground with a loud thud."

Justice:"Ow....ow....!!, that hurt."

"Jigoku gets right in front of Justice, and laughs."

Jigoku:"You will be a fine edition to the trophies of my victims."

Ace:"ACE BLADE!!."

"Ace then chops off Jigoku's right arm."


"Ace then thrusts the blade into her chest."

"Stop music here"

"Jigoku then looks down at the blade in her chest, and then falls on to the ground."

Ace:"you ok Justice?."

Justice:"Yah, Im fine."

Ace:"Well it looks like she won't be able to clam any more innocent lives."

"But as Ace and Justice begin to walk away, Jigoku lets out a small chuckle, as she takes out a small vile that contains a black substance."

Jigoku:" resort."

"Jigoku then thrusts the vile into her abdomen, before she lets out a scream of pain."

"Ace and Justice turn around, and see a black fog building up around Jigoku, before it expels outward."

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT" VOL3Where stories live. Discover now