39 1 0

"Start music at 33:39"

Zett Grimm:"Destroy them all, my Kaiju Grimm!."

"All three of the Kaiju roar, and then fire their energy beams at the six Ultrawomen."

"The six girls scream in pain as they are blasted by the powers of the three Grimm Kaiju."

"Zett Grimm laughs."

"the six Ultrawomen all jump into the air."

"Kali was the first to land back on the ground, and used her Orb slasher to throw a Trinitium Light ring at The three Kaiju Grimm."

"Giestron Grimm simply destroys the slash with his Giestron Super Lightning Wav."

Yang:"Blake, aim carefully!."

Blake:"Right Yang!."

"Yang and Blake both dive kick at Leugocyte, but are blasted out of the air when he fires his Lightning Beam at both of them."

"Yang and Blake both hit the ground with a hard thud."



"Penny then steps forward, and took out the Beta Spark sword."


"A beam fired from the Beta spark sword, at Gakzom Grimm."

"The beam hit Gakzom Grimm, but was absorbed by the monster, and fired back at Penny."

"Penny was hit by the beam."


"Penny was then reverted to her default Ultrawoman form."

"Stop music here"

Zett Grimm:"(To the Kaiju) FORWARD!!."

"The three Kaiju listened, and began to move forward."

"Start music at 1:13:08"

"The six Ultrawomen run over to the Kaiju, and attempt to stop them."


"Zett Grimm then lets out an unholy screeching sound."

"The six Ultrawomen start to become weaker."


Penny:"He.......he's.......draining our.....wills......."

Blake:"I......I....can't.......get up....."

"Zett Grimm stops screaming."

Zett Grimm:"Still not dead yet?!."

"Zett Grimm lets out another scream, this time it's louder."

"The six Ultrawomen continue to attempt to fight the three Kaiju, but cant."

"Giestron Grimm then begins to claw at Penny and Kali."

"Leugocyte Grimm wraps his Leugo Tentacles around Winter and Blake's necks."

"Gakzom Grimm repeatedly slammed Weiss and Yang against the ground."

"Zett Grimm begins to laugh again."

"Leugocyte Grimm then flew really high up into the air, and dropped Winter and Blake down on the four other girls."

Zett Grimm:"At and Salem shall destroy this pathetic universe together."

"Zett Grimm stepped out of the dimension that he was trapped in."

Z Grimm:"(To the three Kaiju) Dispose of them!."

"Z Grimm then opens up a portal to Remnant."


"It was too late, Zett Grimm had already gone through the portal."

"Leugocyte Grimm grabbed Winter's neck."

"Just as Winter was going to give up, she remembered something that Hikari told her."

Flashback Hikari:"When the time is right, you will be able to use the Galaxy Timbre."

"Winter then puts her hand out."

"She then summons a weapon."

"If music is still going, stop it here"

Winter:"Unleash the holy power of the Galaxy!."

"A bright blue light fills the area."

"The three Kaiju all back away from the three Ultrawomen."



"The light cleared, and there stood Winter, her body was now a mixture of her body and Agul's body."

"And the weapon that she had, was a mixture Of the Max Galaxy, and the Knight Timbre."

"Start music here, only play the first part"

"The three Kaiju roar and stomp towards Winter."

"Winter walks over to the three Kaiju."

"Winter turned the weapon to its sword form."

"She then dashed towards the Kaiju, and swiped her weapon through all three of them."

"The three Kaiju then turn around, and then fall over in pain."

Winter:"SEINARU PHOTON(セイナル・フォトン Holy Photon)!!!!."

"Winter fires a beam from her right arm, at the three Kaiju, destroying them all instantly."

"Winter turned away from the explosion."



Winter:"We don't have much time, we need to return to Remnant!."

"Weiss, and the five other Ultrawomen look at each other, and then Winter."


"Winter then opens a portal to where Zett Grimm travelled to."

"If music is still going, stop it here"

"The six Ultrawomen walk through the portal, and end back up on Remnant."

Kali:"Where did he go?."

Winter:"To the land of Darkness.....come, we must get back to Atlas."

Weiss:"Yes....I only hope that the others are ok."

"When they return to Atlas however, they are horrified to see that it has already been taken over by Weiss's father."

To be continued....

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT" VOL3Where stories live. Discover now