Chapter 1

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Where we left off the team had got some new members. But they were doing work that used to be SHIELD work.

With the new team came some a new friend for Willa. Now she knew Sam, Rhodey is her Uncle, and Vision is a machine. But Wanda was someone in ways similar to her.

Both had powerful powers and sure Wanda's were stronger, but a friendship bond was created over the last year.

And of course over the last year Willa and Steve still kept bouncing around their feelings. Which caused Sam, Nat, and Wanda to have some fun with them.

It was all fun and games until they make their jokes and stuff while the team was trying to work.

Which is were they are now. They had finally been able to find Rumlow after awhile and Willa had her concerns.

The team was waiting out for Rumlow believing he was to be hitting the police station. Wand and Nat at tables out in the open. Sam on the roof keeping and eye out for things. And Steve was with Willa in the hotel room.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind right?" Wanda questions.

"Looking over your shoulder has to become second nature." Nat says.

"Has anyone ever told you you're alittle paranoid?" Sam asks.

"Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?" Nat asks.

"Eyes on target, Folks." Steve says.

"Well Im sure Willa has her eyes on a certain Ice Cream right now." Nat says.

"Shut up Nat." Willa says.

"I still dont understand? What does that even mean?" Steve questions looking at Willa.

"Dont worry about it. Focus on Rumlow right now." Willa says.

"Find since this is the best lead we're had on Rumlow in six months. I dont want to lose him." Steve says.

"If he sees us coming that wont be a problem. He kind of hates us." Sam says.

"Are you ever going to tell me what they mean by Ice Cream?" Steve asks Willa.

"Nope.... Hey look that trash truck. Right there." Willa says pointing at a very filled truck.

Steve noticed it and told Sam to take it and to which they learned that it was maxed to capacity to be used as a battering ram.

Steve and Willa left out of the hotel when Willa then started to slow down. Something was about to happen she could feel it. She also had that other bad feeling.

"Go without me. I dont think I can help." Willa says when they almost go there.

"No. Im not letting you go off alone. I promise you nothing will happen to you. Just take my hand." Steve says holding his hand out for her.

Willa had told him her fear when then team went to their places to wait. He was promising her that she would be okay. Willa looked at him and took his hand and he moved through the crowd.

They got close and Steve had the idea to drop in with Sam's help. Steve began to take down Rumlow's goons. Sam did the same on the roof. Wanda then flew up with her powers and knocked the rest in the area down.

"Rumlow is on the third floor." Sam says.

"Willa Im going to need you to do what we talked about." Steve says.

"Steve, we dont know how bad it could get. You could get hurt. It could even effect other places. I dont want to hurt anyone." Willa says.

"Hey I know this is the most unpredictable one, but I trust you." Steve says to her.

"Okay Wanda as we practiced." Steve says.

"What about the gas?" Wanda asks.

"Get it out." Steve says.

Wanda used her powers and sent Steve threw the window.

"Willa now." Steve says.

Wanda began taking the gas out and Willa took a deep breath and began to make the building shake.

Making and building under go an Earthquake is very dangerous and could cause trouble for alot of people if Willa isnt careful.

It also isnt helpful that she is being shot at. But once Steve said Rumlow has a weapon and isnt in there Willa stopped making the building shake.

Rumlow then began shooting at Steve causing Steve to fall out of the building. The building was had a slight fire and Willa was able to put it out once she got to Steve.

"Sam, he's in a AFV heading north." Steve says as Willa helped him up.

They had to get to where Rumlow was and once they were there it was clear this was a market place full of people.

"Steve this is bad. These people could get...." Willa says but was knocked down.

Before Steve could react a bomb was thrown at his shield and he quickly threw it up into the air it blew. Rumlow then hit Steve from behind knocking him down.

"There you are you son of a bitch." Rumlow says and hit Steve again.

Willa could barely move when she realized what was on her. The second and final control HYDRA made for her awhile back.

Sam and Nat got what they were after as Steve has to take on Rumlow alone. Steve was able to defeat Rumlow and knock him down, but when he was going to go over to Rumlow he noticed Willa on the ground and that she was clearly hurting.

"What did you do to her?" Steve asks walking over to Rumlow.

"What did you do to her?" Steve asks walking over to Rumlow

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"Just the last HYDRA control. One that causes pain while attached and even more if she tries to use her powers 24 houes after detachment." Rumlow says with a sick smile on his face.

Right then and there because of that Steve wanted to kill him. And then Rumlow had to open his mouth even more and mentioned Bucky.

The mentioned of his friend made Steve stop as Rumlow talked about Bucky, Wanda was able to get the device off of Willa. Rumlow almost bombed both him and Steve, but it was only himself was blown as Wanda placed a shield with her powers around Rumlow.

She had thrown him and when the bomb really blew it was in a build.

"Sam, we need Fire and Recuse on the south side of the building. Willa cant do it she is down for the next 24hours. But We have to get up there." Steve says heading into the building.

Wanda was in shock at what she had just done. She felt terrible. Willa gathered up a small strength to get up. She went over to Wanda and just gave her a hug.

Wanda hugged her back just crying on her shoulder hating herself for what she had just done.

A/N: Hey guys look whats come back. A new story in the Series. Now in another book I'll mention the teams joke but not yet. Hope you all enjoy and get ready for the next chapter of Willa's life. 

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