Chapter 16 - Anthony

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Amanda Lewis, my girlfriend.

I grinned so wide looking at Amy helping my mom in the kitchen. Amy was so beautiful. She had a perfect smile planted on her lips. Lips that I just kissed. Lips that were very soft and sexy. My hands were complaining to me because I kept them in place. They really wanted to explore Amy's sexy body. When she straddled me I almost lost it. But I knew Amy wasn't ready yet. We just took a leap of our relationship. I didn't want to mess up.

Amy put the food on the table and looked at me funny "what is on your mind?" She asked.

Can I say I'm thinking of your body?

I chuckled and shook my head. "Having fun with my noisy mom?"

She laughed "she is so sweet. I like her a lot"

"what about her son?" I pulled her hand to me.

She pushed my face "silly you!"

"Answer me" I said and held her waist.

"I don't know.. but last time I checked her son is now in a relationship with a girl named Amanda" she said cheekily and ran to my mom. Left me there with a big grin in my face.

We had dinner together and chatted happily. Mom seemed so happy to have Amy here with her. I excused myself. I ran to the loft. Earlier when Amy was chatting with mom, I went to the mall and bought a coat for Amy. A red coat. She looked so perfect in red. I knew she didn't want to spend money for the coat. I heard from Billy that Amy was stressed out not just from the crazy drama all over the internet but also from her mom's treatment. It was an expensive treatment. They really wanted to try it. I offered my money, but Billy refused it. I did understand, so the least I could do was taking care of Amy.

I put the coat near her luggage. I looked at the coach. It wasn't the super hot made out session, but hell it felt like the one. Somehow with her everything felt so special, so perfect.

I knew Amy would piss when she found out I gave her the coat, but I couldn't let her use my oversized coat. And hell, I loved to see her in red.

I was still thinking about Amy and her red outfit when my phone rang. "Hey JB!"


"How are you?" Last time I checked with him when the police released him. JB said something about someone coming to talk with the police, the next hour he was released and the police treated him nicely.

"I'm great. I want to check with you actually. The paparazzi went all out about that night"

"Yeah crazy right when they could be a writer for Hollywood, they chose to be a paparazzi" I said sarcastically and JB laughed.

"Hang on buddy. What about your girl?"

"She is fine. Or I think she is fine now"

"Really?" he laughed.

"Yeah. She is here with me in Maryland."

"Wow!" he amused and I laughed. I wanted to tell JB about my relationship status with Amy but I didn't know whether Amy wanted to tell anyone yet or keep it to ourselves for now.

"Hey I need your help by the way"

"What?" I frowned. I would help JB, but he wasn't the type to ask for help.

"Noah and Greg were planning to hold another party. I'm fed up man. I mean after what happened. I just want to chill out a bit."

"Then just say no," I said.

"It's easy for you to say no since you are in Maryland. My family lives in LA dude. I can't go anywhere. Noah and Greg planned to hold it a day before thanksgiving."

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