Chapter 56 - Anthony

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After a very fun day in the theme park we're going to have dinner with my friends. I know the girls will be super nosy asking Amy about last night so I send a last minute text to warn them in the group.

Tony: don't touch anything about last night

I know my phone keeps vibrating like a vibrator all the way to the restaurant. Most likely Mer and Mads. I don't think Drew will be this noisy. No actually I'm pretty sure it's only the mama whale. She has nothing to do these days since her loving husband doesn't allow her to do anything except being lazy. She is due next week.

We arrived first and ordered some drinks, Drew and Ocean arrived. We talked about their latest issue. A lot of things happened in their life these days. And they need their friends for the support system.

The whale... I mean Madeline and Ethan came, Madeline really is NOT a good actress at all. Her eyes widened so big, it's not a surprise if her eyeballs pop out from her eyes. She opened and closed her mouth like a fish without water. Ethan keeps caressing her back maybe to help her calm down. Madeline tried her best to compose herself and she came to me and hugged me tightly. I appreciated that she didn't give me any secret questions at all. Ethan also hugged me, said happy birthday and clapped my back a few times.

They all sat down and we talked some more, more to Drew and Ocean's issues. I know Amy felt uncomfortable too. Even though my friends still act normally towards her, we all know last night she rejected my proposal since the ring isn't there.

Rainey and Mike came. They didn't know about the proposal so it's easier for me to greet them.

After another 5 mins, the superstar couple arrived. And as expected, Meredith and Christian can control their facial expression the best. They don't even look at Amy's finger or if they look at it no one realized it. And nothing changed from their face at all. After all this couple is very talented. It won't surprise me if their kids can act since they were a newborn.

"There were few cars following us to here. So brace yourself if suddenly some fans barged here" Meredith says. Since their wedding, the fans are getting crazier. They want more of Meredith and Christian's life. And paparazzi are no better.

I stand up "I already asked the restaurant to make sure no one can barge in here. Hopefully we can have the dinner peacefully" I grin.

Meredith comes to me and hugs me so tightly "happy birthday Tony. I hope the best for you" she says meaningfully. Christian also comes to me and man hugs me. Saying his happy birthday.

"Jeez dude, did you work 5 times a day? Somehow I can feel all your muscle" I joke to ease the tension.

Christian chuckles "what can I say, your best friend here loves it" he says. I groan and Meredith giggles "no. He keeps it for the premier and promotion" she refers to their latest movie together. Christian had been working out like a horse for this movie because half of the movie he had to show his abs since the movie is about pirates or something like that.

"When is the premier?" Ocean asks.

"December" Meredith answers. "The movie is still in the editing room now, I guess" she looks at Christian for an answer.

Christian nods. "We have a lot of green screens, so the editing will take longer."

"Why? The girl next you couldn't handle the sea?" Drew chuckles.

"I can!" Meredith snaps and glares at Drew. Christian caresses her shoulders "actually she did a lot of stunts by herself. I almost got a heart attack when she refused the stunt and jumped to the water." He kisses Meredith's head. Just by look you know he is so proud of Meredith. Their eyes twinkle with love. Meredith tucks her hair behind her ear while looking lovely to Christian. The absurd pink diamond engagement ring and simple platinum with lots of small diamonds wink at me from Meredith's hand. I feel the kick on my gut.

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