Chapter 61 - Amanda

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I run as fast as I can.

God please save him. You can't take him away from me. I won't let you.

"Amy!" Ocean calls me. I run to her. "Where is he?"

She gestures at the door. "He's still inside. He lost a lot of blood. Christian is inside donoring his blood for him since he is the only who has the same blood type with Tony"

"Oh God" I feel my knees buckle. Ocean holds me tight. I look around. There are all of our friends. Madeline, Ethan, Meredith, Drew, Sammy and Sam.

"Sit down, Amy. You look pale" Sammy says to me. I nod and sit on the hospital's bench.

"Where is Pete?" Sammy asks, Sam caresses her shoulder.

"Park the car" I say. I came here with Peter Sammy called Peter to told him Tony got a car accident. Peter was with me in the office, so we went here together.

I close my eyes, praying for Tony.

"Sam!" Peter's voice comes to my ear. He asks the same things and also about the accident.

I faintly hear what Ethan says. Tony drove so fast, he didn't even see the stop sign. A truck from another direction crashed to his Bugatti. The impact was so hard and fast, the Bugatti spun around and crashed into another truck and ended up crashing into the tree. The other trucks' drivers are safe even though the truck got a big damage. But the Bugatti was totalled. Thanks to the airbags, without those maybe we are in the funeral by now.

Jesus Christ...

Madeline sits next to me and caresses my shoulders.

"What should I do, Mads?" She is the only person who knows the real story.

She looks at me deeply "I don't know, Amy" she says softly. Her eyes red rimmed. For sure, she cried when she heard the accident.

The doors open. I look up, but it's not the doctor. It's Christian, he looks a little bit pale.

"Ian, you okay?" Meredith caresses Christian's face. He nods. "Just a little bit dizzy," he says. Meredith takes him to sit next to Madeline.

Mads takes out some snack from her bag "you want?"

Christian chuckles a bit "nah, you'll need it for my godson" he says.

"He's fine. He will not be fine if his godfather faint right now. You look so pale, C. You need some sugar" she says.

"They took a lot of my blood," he shrugs. And I feel a kick in my stomach. A lot of blood means... Tony is in danger. God...

"Then more reason for you to eat this" Mads thrusts the granola bar to his face.

Christian takes it "fine, mom" he says

Madeline narrows her eyes at him. Christian eats the snack and shows it to her like a good kid.

"Did... did the doctor say anything about Tony with you when you were inside, Christian?" I ask him.

"No, they were so busy, running and talking. Guess they need to act fast. But don't scare yourself Amy. Tony is stronger than you though. He'll be fine" Christian smiles, trying to reassure me.

I bite my lower lip. So many things happened between us. God, this can't be the end of everything. I won't accept it.

The doors open (again). The doctor comes out this time, taking off his masker.

"How is he?" Drew asks. I stand up with Madeline and walk to them so I can hear it more clearly. Christian and Meredith stay in the seat.

"The surgery went well" the doctor says and all of us breathe in relief. "broken ribs and broken hand. A lot of cuts, but we already stitch everything." The doctor says like he recites some boring article from a newspaper. "He'll be conscious in an hour. But he has to stay in the hospital until we make sure everything is good. Maybe 3-4 days."

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