Chapter 47 - Anthony

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I run in the hospital hall.

Hello Lockwood, this is Henry Bloom. Amy is in the hospital right now..

Fuck! What happened to her?

I see Henry's figure. "Bloom!"

Henry looks at me and comes to me. "Lockwood"

"Where is she?" I look at the door behind him.

"The doctor is still checking on her."

"What happened?" I say. I can feel the panicked in my voice

"Calm down. She is fine. She fainted earlier. Did you know she met Albert Stone today?"

"Who is Albert Stone?"

"She didn't tell you?" His eyes widened and then he looks away mumbling some curse.

"Who is that guy and what happened?" I say impatience.

"Albert Stone is an employee from Houston Publisher. They have business with Clayton & co."

"I know Amy told me about Houston Publisher"

"The thing is... Albert Stone is a sexual harasser"

"What the fuck!" I'm going to kill that motherfucker if he laid his hand in Amy.

"Easy... he is in the police station now."

"What did he do?"

"He tried to sexually harass Amy. But he didn't make it. I punched him many times. I think I broke his nose" nice.

"Wait... how..."

"No" he puts his hands up in surrender. "I wasn't there and Amy didn't tell me anything. I met Amy a few days ago when she had business dinner with Stone" that was the day Amy canceled our dinner.

"I warned Amy about Stone because he was my ex boss. He tried to sexually harass my ex girlfriend too. Her name is Kayla. And coincidentally today Kayla was having lunch in the same restaurant with Amy and Stone. She saw them and texted me. I came there and we heard Amy screamed"


"Nothing happened, Lockwood. When Kayla and I came in. Stone um.. he was trying to undress Amy but nothing happened really. I punched him to the pulp."

Punch isn't enough for this asshole.

"Amy freaked out. I think..." Henry looks at me.

"The past" I say weakly.

He nods. "Yeah. She freaked out and fainted. I took her here. And I used her thumb to open her phone and called you"

I nod.

The doctor comes out. "Ms. Lewis family?"

"I'm her boyfriend, doc" I say fast.

"She is fine. Mentally shaken but she is fine. She has some bruises in her arms and shoulders but other than that she's great. I don't know whether she will freak out if she opened her eyes and she saw male, since this is sexual harassment case" he looks at us. We both are male.

"I'll call her friend"

"That's better. We will send her to her room. But the nurse said you haven't chosen the room so we will send it to the sharing room. Is that okay?"

"No, give her the private room. I will take care of the administration now" I say.

"Okay" the doctor nods and leaves.

"You want me to call Elize?" Henry asks me. I nod "thanks Bloom. I'll go to the reception desk" he nods.

My nerves calm down after the news from the doctor. And I realized one thing... she didn't come to me when she obviously knew about Stone. Why?

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