Chapter 46 - Amanda

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I wake up alone on my bed. There is a note on the coffee table.

I'll see you as soon as possible, princess. Take care of yourself okay!


I exhale. Day 1 and I am already miserable. I take my phone and call Tony.

"Good morning, princess!" he says.

"I miss you!" I say, pouting.

He chuckles. "I miss you too, princess. I'll do my business as fast as I can. Okay?"


"Promise. Stay at my place when I come back?"

"Okay" I giggle.

He chuckles too. "Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah. And you weren't here. My mood went down like a waterfall" I say.

He laughs "major flirt!" And I laugh too, but it's true, my mood went down when I didn't see him next to me. We talk some more and end the phone.


I give my 101% focus at my work. Even though Edith and Mr. Clayton praised my job for taking care of Anthony Lockwood's image, still... Tony is an easy client. He is smart, sharp, genius, handsome, his body is perfect, his mouth... stoppp!! So unprofessional, Amanda! I slap my own face mentally.

I need to keep up my good job. I'm lucky enough to have some clients with a great report. No need for damage control.

I was skimming through some reports when my phone beep. I look at it. Huh? Call from Amanda.


"Hi Ms. Lewis" Amanda the robot says. I chuckle "hi Amanda... do you need my help?"

"Not really. I want to make sure the bubble tea arrived safely at your table, Ms. Lewis"

"Yes Amanda. Did you the one who ordered it?" Earlier today the bubble tea guy brought a cup of my favorite bubble tea. I know it's from Tony but the guy said the sender named Amanda.

"Yes Ms. Lewis. Anything to not your liking?"

"No. Everything is perfect. Thank you!" I smile.

"Pleasure is all mine. And I want to deliver a message from Mr. Lockwood for you"

"Un... okay" I can feel my lips twitch up.

"He says he misses you so much and he wants to have a date with you tonight"

"Tonight?" Today is just the third day.

"Yes. Virtual date"

I laugh, not only because of Tony and his tech mind, but also because of Amanda's formal tone.

"And Mr. Lockwood has a dress code for tonight's date"

"Okay. What is it?"

"Red lingerie, Ms. Lewis"


"Okay, Albert. See you later" I end the phone. I bite my lower lip. I don't want to meet Albert alone. But he said there is something about the schedule he wants to ask me. And he asked me to meet at lunch break. Should be fine, I think.

I don't want to call Tony, since it will make him worry, and I'm afraid he would act on impulse to Houston Publisher that will cost him his client. Copperfield is enough, I don't want to be a block for his business.

Last night when we had our virtual date, I was too happy to tell him about Albert. Albert isn't that important. Not to mention after we finished the food we had the.. what it called? Virtual sex? Video sex?

I shiver in delight. I feel my face hot. Jeez Amy! NSFW!

I clear my throat and continue with my job. Need to finish faster today so later I can go to Tony's place and prepare for his dinner. Today he'll be back at 6pm.

I call Amanda to make sure all the ingredients are ready in the apartment. So I don't have to spend the time in the supermarket.

That's done. Time to go to lunch with Albert Stone.


I hate it, we have to eat in the VIP area. My gut said it's Albert's plan to trap in this secluded area.

We just finished talking about the business. I already made an excuse to go first. But he asked me to stay for a while. He still wants to talk about the project.

I check on my phone to make sure nothing needs to have my attention.

"So, Amy..."

"Yes?" I look back at him. I'm startled because he is standing so close to me. I didn't see that coming. He was sitting in front of me earlier. "Um..." I lean backward from him a bit.

He smiles like a pervert. "I heard your boyfriend, Anthony Lockwood, is in New York right now"

I just stare at him. What he wants to say?

"You know I can help you to scratch your itch, dear"

I smile politely, even though my inside screams RUN!! "No thanks. Actually he is on the way back to LA" I say, putting the coldness in my voice.

"You don't have to wait for him, my dear" he holds my shoulders. I stand abruptly and take a step back. "Don't try Albert" I look at him coldly, no more smile.

"Play hard to get. I see" he chuckles. Albert may be in early 40s, but his body is well built. I don't think I can win from him if he decides to attack me.

"Albert" I warn him. Suddenly he lunges and grabs my arm so hard, I'm sure it will bruise "I hate when women act like she is pure and full of dignity" his face changes to a scary evil. Oh my God!

"You should know by now that I like you. Your little friend must inform you what I did to Kayla."

I try to take my hand, but he holds it tightly. "I'm here for business, Albert. If you think I have any other agenda with you, you were wrong!"

"Oh yeah?" He comes and kisses my neck. I try to push him but he is so strong. He pushes me to the wall and keeps trying to unbutton my blazer and t-shirt. I act on impulse. I knee his groin. He falls back and groans. I stumble to the door, the predator grabs my waists and pulls me to the walls. My back hurts hitting the wall. I try to scream but he covers my mouth. Suddenly...

I'm in the alley. 2 men holding my hands and legs. The other one comes with a smirk on his face. They smell of alcohol and drugs. I try to scream but he slaps my face and covers my mouth with a handkerchief. He unbuttons my shirts and jeans. His face descends-

"Motherfucker!" Someone punches Albert and he falls to the ground. I'm shivering. I try to hug myself.

"Amy!" Says a woman's voice and she hugs me. I couldn't see her face. All my eyes focus on is someone keeps punching Albert to the pulp.

"Stop it Henry!" The woman says. 2 waiters come and pull Henry from Albert. The motherfucker is bleeding in his face. I look up at Henry. His face worries. The same one like 5 years ago...


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