Chapter 24 - Amanda

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I went to the Roderick Hotel with Tony when mom went to take her nap. He got a big discount from Drew since Drew was the owner of the Roderick Hotel.

"Why so quiet?" Tony caressed my arms.

I shook my head and looked at him. He looked so happy, I could see the twinkle in his eyes. Is he happy because he just got laid and no one caught him? I hated it when my mind worked like toxic.

"Hey, you know you could tell me anything right?" he said gently and pulled me to the bed. He sat me down on the bed and kneeled in front of me.

I looked at him and caressed his face. "I just missed you so much," I said.

He exhaled "I'm using my chance" and looked at me deeply. He still can read me like a book.

I looked away.

"Amanda" he said and I looked back at him.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I cleared my throat "I'm insecure"



His eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

I shook my head. "The insecurities are back. At first it was just a jealousy that I couldn't spend time with you. Later it becomes toxic. Like whoever stood next to you I felt like you slept with her." Once I opened the plug everything came out. "It ate me up until I couldn't sleep every time you had a party event. Worse, I couldn't help my mind to think that you are cheating on me. And... I know it's wrong, I should have more faith in you and everything, but I couldn't help my mind. I'm miserable with my own feelings. I feel bad to think like that about you. When you went hiking with Anita, everyone talked about how great the two of you together.. I-"

Tony kissed me "stop" he said. His voice was shaky. "Stop Amy..." he shook his head and kissed me. I kissed him back. "I love you Amy... I love you" he said while kissing me. I pulled him to me "make love to me Tony" I whispered.

His hands went to dress and unzipped it. His hands shaky, his mouth quivered. He kissed my body, worshipped it, inhaled me like I was the air that he breathed.

After the love making he spooned me and kissed my shoulder. I turned and looked at him. "I'm using my chance now," I said and he nodded. "Ask me anything. You don't have to use it. I'm going to answer whatever the questions"

I swallowed and looked deeply into his green eyes. "Did you cheat on me, Tony? As small as thinking about any other girl pretty and you want to sleep with her"

"No. Never" he answered firmly and his eyes never left mine.

I looked at him. "Never?" I whispered.

"Never Amy. I appreciate pretty girls. I mean I always think Meredith and Madeline are pretty, along with some of our friends. But that ends there. Just an appreciation for a pretty girl. It never crossed my mind to bed any other girls since I met you. Until now, it never changed. The only girl who is on my mind and the one that can turn me on is you. Only you, Amy" he said. I could see the sincerity and the honesty in his words.

"How?" I whispered.

"I don't know. Every time I looked at the color red, you always came to my mind. Your red hair, your red dress, your red lingerie that I loved the most the one you wore when we had our first sex. Every time I smelled vanilla scent at the bakery, restaurant or even when Mads baked something it reminds me of your scent. Every time I looked at myself in the mirror I saw my green eyes the same exact color like yours, it reminds me of how beautiful you are whenever you look at me."

My tears leaked and I touched his face. "I don't know what to say," I whispered. I caressed his tattoo. The Amy's tattoo in his heart. I loved it too much.

"You have to believe in me, Amy. You are the only one in my heart and mind" he kissed my hand.

"I know..." I whispered. "I hate myself because I couldn't help it to feel insecure "

He shook his head "don't hate yourself. How come you hate it? I love it so much" he smiled and I giggled.

"How come you always know how to make me happy, Tony?" I looked deeply into his eyes.

"Because you are my priority, Amy" he kissed me deeply and he took me to another pleasure of love.


The next day Tony and I went to the supermarket to buy some stuff aunt Jana asked for.

I looped my hands around Tony's arm. I didn't know why but I loved to do this with Tony. Tony joked something to me and I laughed so hard. At that time I realized, my laugh and smile... it was because of Tony. Whenever he came or called me I felt alive.

I took some tampons as well. Tony looked at me "did you get your period?"

"Not yet. Why?"

He grinned and whispered in my ears "because I still want to make love to you again and again and again" I laughed and pushed him.


His hands snaked around my waist and pulled me. "But you love me?" He grinned.

"That I do" I grinned back at him. He descended and kissed me.

"Amy?" Someone called me.

We both jumped and looked at the voice.


"Hey" he came forward and looked at Tony.

"Tony, this is Henry Bloom, my friend. The one I told you. Henry, this is Tony Lockwood, my boyfriend"

Henry smiled a bit so did Tony and they shook hands.

"What are you guys doing here?" Henry asked.

"Buy some stuff for aunt Jana" I shrugged.

"Ah okay. Well, I need to buy some stuff for my mom too. See you around Amy. Nice to meet you Lockwood"

"Bye!" I said and Tony nodded at him.

We walked to the fish section.

"You close with him?" Tony asked me. I looked at him. His face was unreadable.

I smiled and kissed his cheek "are you jealous?" I whispered in conspiracy.

He chuckled and pulled me. Kissed my head. "You are mine, Amy" he caressed my waist intimately.

I giggled happily. It wasn't just me who felt insecure. Tony and I were the same.


I thought I could handle it. But, with the fall of Vibes Club, Tony didn't have any choice than to make content with his party animals friends and some of his other friends who I didn't know, who made me feel insecure.

And worse, Tony told me he couldn't come this month because he had some work to do. Collaboration with some big influencers. I couldn't say no to him since the Vibes crumbled down. Tony needed to have another collaboration to keep up with his content.

One night, paparazzi reported Tony went with a girl to dinner. Tony told me they were talking about a collaboration.

The next night the paparazzi took a picture of Tony with a group of girls in the birthday party. Tony told me they were just his fans that came to the same party.

Worse, people started to ship him with another girl. Another influencer. I couldn't take it anymore.

I called Tony that night. A voice call. I couldn't see his face right now.

"Hi Princess," his voice came. I couldn't hold my cry. I cried on the phone. "Amy...what's wrong? Amy?" He sounded panicked.

"I can't do this anymore, Tony..." I said once I found my voice.

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