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Chapter : 15 -  Oh Please Give Me His Number Already!

Siraj. Oh my god, it's Siraj. Annu, keep calm. And don't act like an idiot!

I blinked my eyes as I took in his presence. There's something about him that always intruged me. Maybe the way he carried himself or most importantly that smile. That smile I fell for.

"Masala dosa" they passed a plate on the counter and Sweety nudged me from my day dream.

As I extended my hand to take the plate, my fingers bumped with his and I jolted with suddenly electricity. Our fingers brushed and I withdrew my hand.

I turned to him and for the first time ever, his eyes raked me up and down, then looked me in the eyes. Holy-

"You- you..may h-have it." I managed to speak but the words were too hard to come out.

He grabbed the plate and walked away. I sighed and I was about to collapse with the overwhelmed senses.

"Ana!" I heard Abby as she shook me from my thoughts.

"Ooh, let the girl live for a moment Abby." Sweety teased me and I bit my lower lip and smiled at them.

"Guys!" I said grabbing the another plate of masala dosa they passed and walked back to our table.

Thankfully the girls are gonna!

I settled into my seat and Sweety kept on nudging and teasing me.

"Ana, damn! He was totally checking you out!!" Sweety chuckled and teased me.

"Geez, stop it." I shot playful glares at Sweety.

I bit my lip to suppress the shy smile that threatened to escape my lips.

"Girl, your cheeks look like tomatoes I can pluck them already!" Abby said laughing.

"What's happening?" Aryan asked eyeing me. "I've seen Siraj and you." His expression tensed and he looked away saying the last sentence.

"Trust me it's nothing." I bit my lip suppressing a smile. But my cheeks were the darkest shade of crimson.

"Our Ana and Siraj had a moment." Sweety chuckled turning to Aryan.

"Shut up, we were not!" I pointed.

"Really Aryan, you must have seen Ana's face when her turned to that was-" Abby said making weird faces and I threw a crumpled tissue at her face.

"And he was like... totally checking her out!" Sweety added while I pinched her.

"Not a big deal." I said.

"Yeah totally, it's not." Aryan mumbled taking off the lid of a water bottle, as if I couldn't hear.

"Arey... I can totally feel the sparks... you should've seen, the moment their fingers brushed and their eyes-" Sweety leaned and spoke in a low voice, but Aryan stole the attention while he choked on the water.

"Are you okay? Aryan, just drink slowly." I turned to him and rubbing his back.

"I'm fine... just.." he said pulling away jerking my hand off his shoulder.

Yeah, you'll rather prefer to be squeezed to death by that Suhana. Dumbhead.

"Hey!" Akasa and Arjun approached us and Abby's eyes instantly lit up.

"You guys were really good on stage. Seriously, we're gonna have a tough competition!" Akasa's arm snaked Arjun's and she smiled at him. He shifted uncomfortably and Abby's eyes were literally burning at the spot.

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