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Lord Voldemort felt it first. He stilled in his throne and reached his magic out to touch on the new presence. It was magic. Extremely powerful magic, more powerful than he had felt before; but it was...odd. It was wild and uncontrolled, it was splintered and fractured and almost broken. The Elite felt it next. It was getting closer, the magic, and they looked at their Lord in question, but the Dark Lord gave them no indication of what to do and so they stayed still with their wands drawn. The rest of the death eaters shifted as they felt the magic now, it was swarming around dangerously and getting thicker the closer it came.

The great doors swung open and a single, cloaked figure was framed in the doorway. It was clear where the magic was coming from. The entire room was still as the figure walked up the centre of the room. Every single eye was upon them as they moved with unnatural grace, it was almost as if they were gliding as they moved. The Dark Lord watched as they approached, the figure was not tall, but they were not too small either, they moved almost predator like and their magic held a vicious quality to it now it was closer to him to feel. The figure came to a halt just before the Dark Lord, the figure raised a pale hand to slowly pull down its hood and an echoing gasp ripped through the silent hall.

He, for it was surely a he now his face was revealed, was paler than any of them remembered. Inky black hair was longer too, it spilled over his shoulders and swept across his forehead sitting neatly. His features were sharper, clearer than before, but they still held a softness to them that made him beautiful opposed to handsome. His lips were full, plump and a pale rose in colour, and there was no expression on his face. But what stood out the most were his eyes, they were unique before, jewel like and shining, but now they stood out uncovered, a stark contrast against his pale skin. They were the killing curse in colour, with cracked black lines running through them and a ring of crimson red around the pupil.

Harry Potter stood before them.

No one said a word, they were either too stunned to speak or waiting for his demise in the hands of their Lord. Lord Voldemort blinked twice showing that he was shocked, but that was the only sign he gave as he looked upon his nemesis with curious eyes. He was different, very different and now, for the first time, the Dark Lord truly believed that Harry Potter was dangerous. He had respected the teen's power before, only a fool would ignore the power and determination Potter had, but now it was so much different. He felt at their mysterious link and had to use all of his self control to stop any outward reaction, the teen's mind was broken, shattered and consumed with hatred, pain and a thirst for something he could not yet decipher. Everyone watched as Harry took out his wand and the atmosphere went tense, the elite all had their wands pointed at him but he didn't bat an eye. He held his wand away from his body and let it drop to the floor, there was another resounding gasp at the universal sign of surrender and Harry swept down to a graceful knelt position.

"I wish to serve, My Lord."

"What have you to offer me, Harry Potter?" The Dark Lord asked lightly. He summoned the Holly wand and was surprised to feel a familiarity about it, "You are now completely unarmed and at my mercy, what is to stop me killing you?" he motioned for four of his lower death eaters to attack, he had a feeling that it would give a desired result. As soon as the curses has left their mouths Harry was reacting, his magic had blown out of him and created a force field of power around him, he span to his feet and threw what looked to me knives at two of the death eaters before twisting and repeating the notion against the other two. The four of them fell, blood spurting from their necks, but there were no signs of knives or any weapon at all and the wounds were through and through. Harry knelt back down and his magic retracted back to its wild state before,

"How can I be of service, My Lord?"

Lord Voldemort smiled a terrible smile.

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