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Harry was stood looking out of his window, it was his favourite place to be, looking out on the grounds, and it gave him an odd sense of peace. He was thankful he had been given this room, it was light, and all of his windows looked down on to the gardens. The outside was a perceived freedom. It was something that represented the idea that it was possible to be free, but Harry knew that to be false. Freedom was something that people fought for when they didn't even know what it was. No one was ever free. They always had something that tied them down, a belief, a person, a task, something was always there. He didn't like false perception. But he knew that many used it to work towards something. Harry saw it as pointless.

It was irrelevant however, he didn't want to be free, he much preferred to know he was working for something, someone, and he was quite happy to stay just where he was. The only other place he liked to be was the library, it was easy to find comfort in knowledge, even though his magic was different than most, it was still nice to find out just what was out there. His magic checked the time and frowned, it seemed to be moving slowly today, it was only 4 O'clock, and he had already done his daily routine, he had done all of his orders for his Lord and he had spoken to Remus and the twins.

They were doing surprisingly well. The twins had been told to put their creative brains to work and they were working on weapons for the Dark Lord, they had anything they could possibly imagine at their disposal and they loved it. Actually, it was quite terrifying. They looked like two mad scientists, their assigned room was not safe to enter unless they were there. There were bubbling cauldrons, steaming test tubes, crackling magics, flaming runes – how they had done that Harry had no idea – and they was just what they had on show. The Dark Lord had been slightly alarmed, but when they had handed him a white sweet that made bones disintegrate painfully one by one he had let them be.

Remus had been a different story. He had been introduced to Fenrir Greyback, and the fight that followed had been spectacular. Many had believed that Remus was scared of his inner wolf, that he pushed it aside and tried to will it away. That belief had been firmly crushed when he had ripped out Greyback's throat and claimed the Alpha for the werewolf pack. It had done him wonders, and he had an air about him that screamed danger; Harry was pleased. But now he had nothing to do. He could read, but he wasn't really feeling it and he bit back a sigh, he was about to curl up on his bed when he felt it. The Dark Lord's magic was close, Harry always felt it, he did have the closest rooms to the Dark Lord's personal chambers, but it was much closer than usual. He heard his door open and felt the man silently approach him, he took a deep breath as the magic washed over him and he felt the Dark Lord stop just behind him.

"Good afternoon, Master." Harry greeted softly,

"You puzzle me, Harry," He murmured in equal softness, "You came to me so broken… and yet it does not show." Harry bit his lip to stop any sounds escape him as the Dark Lord brushed his hair away from his neck and trailed his fingers lightly over the pale skin. "So beautiful, powerful and enticing,"

"I have my scars," Harry said,

"As everyone does," Voldemort countered, "I could, and should, take advantage of you, I do with most. I could break you even more, but keep enough there to make you stay." There was no doubt of his intentions because of his straying hands, they were brushing over his hips and dropping indecently low to mean anything else.

"What is it you wish of me, master?" Harry asked, using everything he had to keep his voice steady. He had no doubt that the man knew exactly what he was doing, there was no need to give any outward indication. "Do you want my virginity? After all, I am almost pure, only one tiny blemish due to a small, insignificant kiss." He felt the lust increase rapidly and almost smirked, it was a dangerous game he was playing, but it wasn't he who initiated it. The Dark Lord hands were now placed low on his hips and Harry was practically pressed up against him.

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