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#Morsmordre# Lord Voldemort pressed the tip of his wand in to the pale forearm. Instead of the usual black mark that was burned in to the Death Eaters' arms, this one was a poisonous green and it was burned in to the arm of Harry Potter. Despite the pain that everyone knew he was in, he did not even bat an eye and the respect for him grew. Many had been wary of him, thinking it may be a trap or a plan from Dumbledore, but they had seen his work. They had seen what he was like when ordered to by their Lord. He was ruthless, bloodthirsty and cold, disposing of the target with precision, or making it messy when asked; it was disturbing.

They never saw him unless at meetings, he was never in the training room, or in the grounds, and he could only be found at their Lord's side. His right side, which was the spot Bellatrix always took whenever their Lord called a full meeting or deemed something important enough to go himself. The Lower ranks had expected some sort of reaction from the only female elite, they expected jealousy, rage or resentment, but there had been nothing. Bellatrix had merely fallen to the left and left it at that, if anything she had worked better with Harry than anyone else. He never spoke either. The only time he was heard was when he answered a direct question or command from the Dark Lord himself, otherwise he was completely silent. Emotionless too. Nothing ever showed on his face, it was like nothing affected him, he didn't blink at the blood shed, didn't shift in the face of torture and didn't turn a hair at the sight of rape. It was astonishing, and frightening.

"Come and take your place," Lord Voldemort said softly, his eyes softer as they gazed down at his greatest prize.

Harry rose gracefully and took his place to the right of the Dark Lord, just behind the marble throne, and he stood perfectly still. He was like a body guard, a shadow to the Dark Lord and, ignoring Voldemort's own obvious power and skill, would stop anything unfriendly coming within range of the Dark Lord. It had happened once, during his short time within the ranks, when a spy was discovered and had tried to attack, no one had even moved before Harry had already thrown one of his mysterious disappearing knives at the spy.

It was the day they discovered what the knives really were. They were shards of his magic, he threw raw magic at his targets as if they were knives and they were deadly, the magic, as he had demonstrated that day, could be manipulated to serve whatever purpose he wished and he had used it to behead someone without spraying a drop of blood anywhere. The Dark Lord commenced with the meeting and a member of the Order was brought in, Emmeline Vance. Bellatrix broke her nicely and she was spilling the information that she knew, she could not give them the headquarters due to the fidilius charm, but it was something.

"Dispose of her, Harry, she has become tiresome." Lord Voldemort commanded, "Make it… messy."

"As My Lord wishes," He gave a shallow, but graceful bow and stepped down to the main floor. Her eyes widened when she recognised who it was,

"You!" She gasped horrified, "What are you doing here? How could you do this?" Harry merely tilted his head to the side as if confused by the question, it was an almost childlike action which didn't match the blank expression on his face. He flicked his wrist twice and she released a hiss of pain, there were two puncture wounds on her shoulders and Harry stepped back a bit as she began rising in to the air. She twisted and cried out and the holes got bigger as if something was hooking her up by the wounds, she tried to grab something at her shoulders, but there was nothing there and it only made her hurt more. Harry flicked his wrist again and four more wounds appeared but this time they were on her hips and bellow her breast which made her cry out in pain, Harry stepped back again and raised his hands like he was holding something.

Then he pulled.

It was stomach turning for most. Her body was literally ripped to pieces before their eyes as invisible hooks tore through her flesh and sprayed blood everywhere, the scream she released was inhuman and it wasn't long before she died of blood loss. Harry turned and bowed to their Lord once more,

"To My Lord's standards?"

"Spectacular display, Harry," The Dark Lord murmured looked at him with hooded eyes, "You do so impress me."

"Only the best for My Lord." Harry spoke quietly as always. Voldemort rose,

"Come, Harry, you must get cleaned up immediately. There are things to be done." The Dark Lord swept away and Harry fell in to step behind him obediently, neither of them making a sound as they left.

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