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A year had past and it was a year of peace within the wizarding world. Everything had slowly fallen in to place as the Dark Lord had envisioned it and it was almost an unrecognisable place to what it once was. After the announcement of the Tell-all book about Dumbledore the world had descended in to utter chaos. It was… astounding. There were those die-hard Dumbledore fans that screamed it was a travesty and it was disrespecting a great man's memory, they had bought and burned piles of the books stopping others reading it. The Dark Lord had been furious, they had tracked the perpetrators and were ready when they hit the Book Emporium in Celestial Alley.

Voldemort, for he had most definitely been in full Dark Lord mode at that point, had cut through them in minutes and any survivors were tried for treason and were given to Harry to practice on. Those who had been on the edge about the ex headmaster had revoked any good words every spoken about him, and those who had hated the man now just had much more to gloat about. The book was filled with everything you could possibly want to know about the old man, his childhood with his muggle hating father, arrogant muggleborn mother, goat humping brother and mysterious sister. His scandalous affair with Gellert Grindlewald and later how he defeated him but didn't kill him, his questionable apprenticeship under Nicolas Flammel and how he actually stole 8 of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and killed the real founder.

There was also the things Harry knew about the old man, his withholding not one, but two wills of Lords to Ancient and Noble houses – something he had found out when the Goblins approached him after the new treaty and it had been discovered that his parents and Sirius' will had been sealed by the former Chief Warlock. Harry had been less than impressed with that, especially when it was discovered that he should have never gone to the Durselys. He had gone on a complete rampage and it was only when Marvolo had found him surrounded by his… relatives remains were he was relatively calm, Marvolo had seen to the rest. Other things in the book included his abuse of power and the twisting of the Hogwarts wards and endangering the next generation, the final one had been the one that truly threw the vampire amongst the humans and any hopes of redemption for the old man via his career as a teacher went down the drain.

Not a lot had changed for Harry. His mind was healed… sort of. He would always have his scars, but like the Dark Lord once said to him; everyone does. He was closer to Marvolo than ever, and it was known throughout the wizarding world, it was odd to see the Dark Lord at a function without Harry and they complimented each other perfectly. It was like they grounded each other. And it was astounding to watch them work together. It wasn't all peaceful all the time. There had been assassination attempts against both the Dark Lord and Harry and many of the Elite members, most of which were just as feared as the first two. Bellatrix had been seriously injured when she, Rodolphus and Rabastan had been ambushed, they had all got out alive, but it had turning in to one of the biggest man hunts for a group of rebels known.

They had averted the dark forces well, hiding in plain sight it seemed, and they were spotted again when the full force of the rebel group attempted to assassinate the Dark Lord while he was out with Harry. It had not ended pretty for them. Harry, who always had his magic flared out when anywhere but the manor, had sensed the rebel group as soon as they had apperated in to Diagon Alley. He had thrown one of his 'knives' before they had cast the first curse and it forced them in to the open, the people of Diagon Alley had witnessed a magical spectacle as Harry and Marvolo decimated a group of twenty without breaking a sweat. Most others had backed off, realising that they would never succeed. Of course, there had been a few made on Harry on the off chances he had been caught alone, they were under the belief that if they got rid of him it would be a major blow to the dark and, while that was true, the Dark Rule would have continued. The only difference would be that every single rebel or suspected rebel would have been personally, and savagely, killed by the Dark Lord himself. It was a known fact that anyone who even looked at Harry in the wrong was faced an extremely pissed off Dark Lord, not that he was at all protective or possessive of Harry. No, not at all.

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