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Lust was an emotion Harry was familiar with. It was something that, despite his less than stellar mental state, he knew how to recognise and he knew what it meant. Lust was something that had always followed him. From when he was Harry Potter, boy saviour and Golden Boy of Gryffindor, up to now where he was the right hand of the Dark Lord Voldemort, rumoured to be the most savage under his command. He looks had garnered a lot of attention, a parting gift from Sirius before he had been taken away, and that was a big point. The second was his power. He had always known Dumbledore was lying when he said he was weak. He was valued for his power in the place where true power resided, and it made people lust after him. The final reason was because of his new found position, he was the Dark Lord's right hand because of his power and people lusted after that. But it was irrelevant; the people who lusted for him were of no consequence to him; except one.

The Dark Lord lusted after him. It was subtle, and it was practically impossible to spot, but it was there and Harry could feel it every time he spoke to him. His Lord was a powerful man, strong and capable, and someone Harry believed the right to be called a Lord. He had come with nothing else to live with, he, in his madness, had a startling moment of clarity and vanished from Dumbledore's confinement to the sanctuary of the Dark. And he had blossomed there. It was perfect for him, he could play with his magic as much as he wanted, he could kill people, see there blood and serve a decent master at the same time. A master that definitely lusted for him. Through their link it became clear, whenever he would speak or perform some usually impossible magic it would spike and it gave him a slight thrill to know it was him causing it. It was also because of this he had kept his performances perfect, whatever asked of him would be done with perfect accuracy lest he fail his Lord and that spike of lust go away.

Because of his performance and his infamous reputation, he had become the highest ranked person within the Dark Army, something he took a small amount of pride in. It gave him leeway, not that he needed it, but it was there in case he ever did. He wondered if the lust would ever be acted on, he doubted it, but it was a nice feeling after years of being called a disgusting freak. He gazed out his window out on to the grounds, they were beautiful, just like everything about the Dark Manor, and the moonlight illuminated the wildness of it. Harry felt him before he was even in the room, the Dark Lord's magic was intense and it lit everything on fire, he felt the man approach him silently, but he made no move to acknowledge him allowing the other to speak first.

"Order members have been caught near this place," Voldemort told him, his voice sending shivers through Harry, but he fought to control the outward signs. He couldn't stop his sharp intake of breath when he felt a cool hand brush his hair away from his neck. "You are to come with me,"

"Yes master," it was something that he only said whenever they were alone or with the Elite; Master. He knew the man preferred it, Harry felt the familiar spike of lust as he spoke it, but it did not feel right to say it in front of the low ranks.

"Such a powerful and beautiful creature," He murmured, "I will win this war with you within my ranks,"

"You deserve this war, master, no other deserve the power." Harry replied, and he believed his words completely.

"Come, there may be entertainment, and you give me the best kind." Harry took his chrome mask, which held poisonous green markings, and placed it on his face while grabbing his cloak and following the Dark Lord. The crowds parted as they entered and Harry took his place behind the throne and to the right,

"Bring them too me."

The room was silent as they waited for the captured to be brought to them, it was odd for Order members to be captured around the area of the base, so they were wondering why they were there. The doors were thrown open and three struggling figures were dragged in, they were thrown down at the Dark Lord's feet and they glared up at the man. Whispers broke out as many recognised them, one was somewhat infamous on the battle field and the other two were menaces, get them together and they had yet to be defeated; until today.

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