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What else have you discovered?" Lord Voldemort demanded. He had very little patience for the thing in front of him and it made his skin crawl to be in his presence, but he had his uses.

"T-t-they are beginning to p-panic, My L-Lord." Pettigrew stuttered out, "They are h-hunting for the boy." There was no doubt in anyone's mind just who he was speaking about.

"Do they suspect?"

"N-no, My Lord, D-D-D-Dumbledore sp-spoke something o-of a rebellion, he said that t-they w-would be punished a-accordingly w-w-when found." The Dark Lord twitched at that, as did three others. Harry's memories still fresh in their minds, and they knew exactly what sort of punishment the old fool was speaking about. Unfortunately for the aged headmaster, he had actually shown the opposite of what he was accusing Harry of being. No one who was 'weak' could have withstood what the teen had gone through and come out, yes, the teen was not unscathed, but he was alive and doing extremely well for it. It highlighted his strength in more ways than ever and the Dark Lord couldn't help the touch of admiration he felt for the 16 year old.

"Are you going to kill the boy, My Lord?" there was an eager tone to the rat's voice that didn't sit will with the Dark Lord and blood red eyes narrowed.

"Crucio," the rat screamed and he felt a wave of dissatisfaction come from Harry as he cut the curse. Of course he knew it was going to happen, he had expected it and if he didn't then the malevolence oozing from the snapping magic around the teen was a dead give away. His magic curled and before anyone could react Harry curled his fists together in front of him and yanked them apart in a tearing motion and Pettigrew's body was literally ripped in half. The blood went everyone. The rat didn't even have time to scream before he died and the two halves of his corpse dropped to the floor in to lifeless heaps. Many looked on horrified, many were pleased, but they all looked at Harry in shock as they saw, for the first time, an expression on his face. Blind rage. His unique eyes were glaring down at the heaps in sheer hatred from behind his mask, every one of his muscles were taunt and posed and his lips were drawn back in silent snarl. He looked vicious, he looked deadly, and he still looked gorgeous.

"Kneel," Lord Voldemort's voice was icy cold. It was a tone he had yet to use on Harry, but this was a situation that called for it. Harry's expression dropped in an instant and he was back to the emotionless mask he kept upon himself daily, he walked forward and knelt before his Lord with his head bowed. He knew he was wrong to kill him, but there was not an ounce of remorse flowing from his body, only burning satisfaction and because of that he would take whatever punishment his Lord saw fit to bestow on him.

"You know why you must be punished, do you not, Harry?"

"Yes, My Lord." He answered, his voice soft and clear like always.

"Will you repeat such actions?"

"No, My Lord, not unless you command it of me. Or unless Dumbledore was in such a position."

"Very well, Crucio," Many expected him to scream, or show he was in pain, they had all, at least once, felt their Lord's cruciatus curse and there was nothing that produced so much pain. It was why they were so surprised when Harry did not move. He stayed knelt in the same graceful position as the curse ran through him without so much as twitching, there was no moaning, screaming, crying or even tensing of the muscles.

"You do not react." The Dark Lord stated. He did not sound angry, nor curious, because he knew exactly why the teen did not react. The memories told him everything he needed to know.

"I have been taught to withstand pain, My Lord." Harry said to him, not even his voice showing he had just been cursed.

"You can withstand so much, you will not let yourself scream." The lust was there again, and Harry looked up in to the crimson eyes, which were darker with desire and his lips curled in to a devilish smirk.

#There is only one way you could ever make me scream#

The answering smirk he got said everything.

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