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The Dark Lord apperated Harry straight to his personal rooms, Harry looked around shocked at the beautiful room he had never seen before, but he didn't have much time to contemplate because his lips were soon claimed. Any of the remaining tension Harry was carrying with him melted away, he was safe, secure and victorious in the Dark Lord's arms; nothing else mattered.

"I do hope you enjoyed Dumbledore's final demise," The Dark Lord murmured as he began removing the cloak that was wrapped around Harry.

"Very much so, to see everything he did to me..." He trailed of angry and the memories that sprung up, he gasped at a particularly sharp bit and his mind fogged with pleasure.

"You are going to let me take care of you," Voldemort told him quietly, and Harry hummed liking the sound of that very much; after all, his master did take such good care of him.

"Yes master," Harry agreed softly, his eyes were closed as he enjoyed the feeling of those skilled fingers on his body.

"Marvolo," He corrected and Harry's eyes snapped open in question, "The only name I want to hear spoken from you when we are alone or with the Elite is Marvolo."

"Marvolo," Harry repeated sampling it. A small, but beautiful smile appeared on his face, "I like it. It's so very…you." Voldemort, or Marvolo as he was now to be known, smirked.

"I am glad you like it, because it is the only name you will be screaming for the rest or your life, you belong to me – in every way." Marvolo kissed him again, but this time with more heat and more passion. Harry fought for a bit before submitting, he almost groaned when the kiss was broken and then moaned when kisses and bites were trailed down his neck.

"Please," Harry gasped. His whole body was on fire, it was like a fierce need had awoken inside of him setting him alight,

"Say it," Marvolo whispered against his skin, and Harry knew what he wanted,

"Marvolo, please," He groaned and he could feel the man's smile against his neck. He wasn't surprised when he was lifted, he just wrapped his legs around the man and eagerly responded to the mind blowing kiss he was given. With a flick of Marvolo's wrist, both of their clothes were vanished and Harry's eyes trailed in awe over his Lord's body; he was perfect. His eyes lingered on the man's member standing proud and erect, he had always wondered how it fit in him – he was rather small after all. He was so enraptured that he didn't notice the same thing happen to him, Marvolo's eyes were raking his body and admiring it fully, the teen, his teen, was gorgeous. Exquisite would better describe him. He would not allow Harry to get away, he was his now, forever. Marvolo leaned over him pressing him down on to the bed, he waved his hand and Harry felt the familiar magic wash over him to prepare him,


"Look at me," the whispered instructions made predominantly green eyes snap up to meet glowing crimson. He released a drawn out moan at the feeling of being suddenly full, but he didn't move his eyes away he had come to adore. It was different than usual, their sex was usually powerful, hard and passionate, but this was slower, more drawn out and yet it was still filled with the same burning passion as always. Every thrust was felt, it started of at an agonisingly slow pace, but with Harry's vocal response it picked up, Marvolo watched as he became flushed with pleasure and spoke his approval. Every plea was met, Harry's body involuntarily arched when his spot was hit, every fibre of his being light up and he couldn't stop himself yelling out for more. He could feel the familiar heat coiling in his stomach, he was breathless, flushed and glistening with sweat as he was continuously pounded in to, Marvolo's thrusts were becoming rougher as his own release was coming closer. Marvolo adjusted the angle to hit his prostate head on repeatedly until Harry was screaming out his name in release, his walls clamped down milking Marvolo for his seed after a few more thrusts. He collapsed on to the bed breathing heavily next to a panting Harry, Marvolo snapped his fingers to clean up the mess and then wrapped his arms around Harry pulling him close.

"Are you going to let go?" Harry asked him, after basking for a couple of minutes,

"No, you are staying here from now on, I've decided." He stated and Harry blinked, he looked up at the man and saw he had a peaceful expression on his face which made Harry smile.

"As you wish,"

"You do not?" Marvolo questioned and in response Harry merely tightened his grip from where he was clinging to his Lord, Marvolo smiled, "Sleep, my Harry," and Harry did just that. Marvolo lay awake for a while watching as Harry slept peacefully in his arms, it was definitely something he was going to enjoy for a very long time. He closed his eyes preparing for sleep himself, it had been a good night, the Dark had practically one the war and he had claimed his Harry for himself – Fully that was. With that pleasing he followed Harry in to Morpheus.

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