Chapter 21 : Jealousy

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Jin's POV

Sana..?! She is Yoongi's friend?!. "Annyeong~ Miss Me?~" Sana asked. I look at Jisoo who is also shock. Shock as me. Others doesn't seem to be bothered at Sana's presence. "Hi Jin" Sana sweetly said. I didn't bother to answer back. I saw Jisoo hold her phone more tight than before. "Please take a seat, Sana-ssi" Namjoon said. Jennie is also shock because.. She knows what happened. Jennie is my bestfriend since me and Sana became a thing. When Tzuyu mentioned Sana saying that Sana likes me for years she is wrong. Sana still love me. Tzuyu seems like she dont know that Sana is my ex. Its been 7 years when me and Sana broke up. Crazy right? I moved on and Jisoo caught my heart for 1 year. Me and Jisoo became a couple for 2 years and fiancè for 7 months. That seven months what I consider as 1 year.

"So how are you guys?" Jennie asked to break the loud silence. "Fine" We said in unison. "Let's order? Lets stop putting this loud silence" Lisa said. We all nod. We ordered 3 buckets of chicken, Drinks, 3 boxes of pizza and Dumplings. Well we started to eat. "Tell stories guys! Stories of how we had our jobs" Jimin said. "Lets start from Jennie and we will be done at Sana-ssi" Taehyung said. We nodded as an agreement.

"So, I became a model when a staff told me that I have potentials. She gave me a business card and at the same night I decided to call the number. Then they told me to come to their company so I did. They hired me as the Gucci and Channel's Ambassador" Jennie said.

"Okay my turn, I became a singer when I sang on the street because Momo dared me. One staff of Bighit Entertainment heard me and recorded my voice without me knowing. The next day I received a text saying that "Come at Bighit Entertainment anytime you want". Of course who would believe but yes I did" Rosè explained.

"I applied and got accepted that's all" Jimin said we all laugh because it is too short.

"Some staff from YG heard the song I made and yep they called me" Yoongi said.

"Well, Being a teacher is my ambition so yeah" Namjoon said.

"I auditioned like what the heck is this audition for? Then they told me to be a choreographer of TxT with someone and I learned that it is Lisa" Hobi said and laugh.

"I auditioned too but as an actor" Taehyung said and laugh too.

"I am an animator and im one of the makers of BT21" Jungkook said. "Woah! Thats my favorite animation!" Lisa said. We all laughed

"Me just same with Hobi Oppa" Lisa said.

"Well.. I auditioned too and I actually see Taehyung when I auditioned" I said they were shock. "Yeah, we audition at the same time" Taehyung said.

"Well, I became a Doctor 2 years ago. So I'm Dr. Kim for y'all!" I said making them laugh.

"I became an actress for 4 years now" Sana said. "Well, Jisoo and Sana-ssi what drama are you filming?" Taehyung asked. "Snowdrop" Jisoo said smiling. "Wait.. what?!" Taehyung seems to be so shock. "Waeyo Taehyung-ssi?" Jisoo asked. "I'll be there too!!" Taehyung said. Making all of us shock. "Jinjja?! What's your character!?" Jisoo asked. "Female lead's bestfriend." Taehyung said. "In short, Your bestfriend who fell for you" Taehyung added. We are all shock. "Yah Kim Taehyung stop it the old man will be jealous" Yoongi said.

"YAHHH MIN YOONGI!" I said. Aish! I like it a little though. Im really weird.

We are done eating. I felt Sana's hand crawling at my left hand. "Ooh~ are you and Sana-ssi dating Jin Oppa?" Rosè asked. "I thought it was Jinsoo though" Jungkook said. I remove my hand on Sana's. "Yeah, Soon" Sana said. "I thought its Jisoo Oppa?" Lisa asked. "Stop it Sana.." I calmly said. I saw Jisoo looking down. "Waeyo Jagi?" Sana asked. "Dont act innocent Sana" Jennie said. "Waeyo? Im innocent. Jennie." Sana said.

"What is happening?" Namjoon asked. "Jin loves me and that is.. true" Sana said. Is this girl crazy or what? She should be a writer she is good at telling stories. "I dont love you..... anymore" I said. "Hyung. What do you mean anymore?" Taehyung asked. "Im sorry. Something came up at home.. Ill be heading off now" Jisoo said. "Jisoo.." I said. "Goodbye" Jisoo said and walks away. I stand up to follow her then Sana hold my hand to stop me. I look at her. "Dont bother me anymore. You ruined my life before I wont let you ruin my life again and I also wont let you ruin others" I said and letting go of her grip to follow Jisoo. When I go outside she is now nowhere to find. I put my hand on my forehead. "This is bad." I whispered to myself.

-E N D

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