Last Chapter : Surprise

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Jisoo's POV

I woke up tied on a chair. My head hurts. I look around.. Well, I guess im stuck here at an abandoned building hm. I am scared.. I want to scream when someone opened the door. I saw a person wearing a black hoodie, black pants and black shoes. I look at him in fear.

"Oh~ So.. Youre awake now.. " Uts a male voice. Familiar voice. "Oh no! Im actually asleep. Im just sleep talking y'know?!" I said sarcastically. "Stop being sarcastic woman. I can kill you in any seconds." He said. His voice. It is really familiar. He then put on a blindfold on me.  My hands are still tied up. He is now guiding me to I dont know what place.

When we stopped he removed my blindfold. We are at the... rooftop? Is he going to push me? Then we heard musics. What the f is going on. The guy removed the rope at my wrists when an another guy entered the scenario. They both hold my wrist so I wont escape. I dont know but.. we are hearing music and they are guiding me. "Where are we going. Let me go!" I said trying to remove their grip but they are to strong. What the hell is happening.

The rooftop is big.. very big. Then I saw roses. What the f?. They let me go.. I started to follow those petals at the ground. The music is getting more and more louder as I get closer. Then I saw a note at the ground. I pick it up.

Look at your front

The note said. So I did. I saw him. Standing there. Is it.. really him..?

"JIN!" I shouted and run towards him. "Jin! What are you doing here?! Are you here before me?! Did they do something to you?!" I rained him questions. "Calm down Soo.." He said caressing my cheek. "No! Tell me! Did they hurt you?!" I asked. "No.. Im sorry" He said. "Huh..? Why?" I asked. "I.. dont want to be your boyfriend anymore" He said. "W-what..? B-but how about our.. relationship, memories.. we.. became a couple for 3 years before and.. 2 months.. now" I said trying not to tear up. "Im sorry Jisoo.. But.." He continued. "But..?" I asked. "I dont want to be your boyfriend anymore because.." He said. "Because..?" I asked again.

"I want to be your husband from now on" He said. "Wait wha--.. Are you serious?!" I asked smiling. "Look up" he said. I did what he said and I saw..


Fireworks that saying.. "Will You Marry Me? - Your Jinnie".. He.. he is proposing again.. im happy!.

"Of Course!" I said happily and he hugs me and kisses my forehead. "You said it. No taking back" He said. I giggled. "B-but are we really kidnap?" I asked. "No, Its a plan.." He said when someone screams congrats at the back. I look back and saw.. Our Friends?!

"Congrats!!!" They said in unison. Rosè is holding a bouquet of white roses. Namjoon is holding chocolates. Jimin is holding.. wait. Soju? Nevermind. Jennie is holding snacks. Are we going to picnic?.. I look at the two guys at the back.

"JUNGKOOK AND TAEHYUNG IS TGE ONE WHO KIDNAPPED ME?!" I asked. They just laugh. "Part of the plan" Yoongi said. "WELL WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR LETS CELEBRATE!!" Hoseok said. "Wait.. Explain everything first" I said with a serious face.

"Okay okay listen" Jin said.

"I was planning to propose to you even though it is just 2 months.. Then I asked them how should I propose. They also had no idea when Taehyung came up with one. He told us we should kidnap you and propose to the rooftop of this building. At first I refused but since I really dont have any idea.. I just agreed. I know you like it all simple so.. We tried our best to make this simple.. Well.. Im sorry if we scared you" Jin explained

I nodded and praised them with their efforts. We sat on the floor in circles but then I saw that they left a space for 4-5 person I guess. "Why did you leave a space?" I ask. "Someone is still not here yet" Jennie said. I was looking at the stars when someone yelled 'hello'. I look at the person and saw..

"KYUNGSOO! MOMO! JINYOUNG! AND--" I stopped when I saw her. I am shock of course. "Dont worry she is here to apologize to you and tell you what happened this past few days" Kyungsoo said. I nod.

First of all, Jisoo Eonnie Im sorry. Sorry for being selfish.. I just want Sana eonnie to be happy too because she is the only one who made me feel loved and enough.

She said. "What about the thing about this past few days?" I ask.

Sana eonnie.. She wanted to.. kill you. That is where I started to hate her too. She told me she saw you with Jin Oppa holding hands and she knew that you guys are a thing now.. she wanted Jin back.. But.. dont worry I handled it. I recorded her plan and sent it to a police station. Well she is in prison for 4 years because of attempting murder.

She explained. Im relieved " I hope you forgive me eonnie.." She said. I smile and hug her. "Of course. Everyone deserves.. second chance" Before I said the second chance I glance at Jin. "Yah! Jisoo! Hug me too!" Kyungsoo said pouting. "YAH! YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO HUG MY FIANCÈ" Jin said. We laughed.

It was the happiest momment in my life.. I love them.

'Don't trust too much.. Because at the end it is yourself who you can really trust'

- Author-nim

- End of the Book

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