3. Leave Me Alone

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Three months had passed as we were seated in my apartment. Merritt was laying down on my long sofa, his arms behind his head, Daniel was sitting in one of my dining room chairs backwards, leaning on the back with his arms and his chin on top of his arms. Henley was sitting on the counter, swinging her feet back and forth while Jack and I were sharing the large chaste. Jack was sitting normally while I was laying on my stomach, my feet bent backward so they were away from Jack's face.

"Alex, have you located Étienne yet?" Daniel finally asked.

I ignored him as my phone vibrates ing back pocket. Sliding it out, I unlocked it and read the message that was from my ex-boyfriend, Ryan.

Ryan: Sup babe

Me: Don't call me babe. We broke up now leave me alone.

I texted him back before setting the phone aside. "Alex, did you hear me?"

My phone buzzed again as Daniel tried to get my attention, but I just ignored him again and texted Ryan, trying to get him to leave me alone.

Ryan: When? I would've remembered that.

Me: You're an idiot... We broke up like five months ago. Now leave me alone.

"Alex! Quit texting your boyfriends and give me the location of--"

I set my phone down and flipped onto my back so my hair hung off the edge. "Correction, ex-boyfriend. And will you relax? We were given a year to prepare so chill out for five minutes. Étienne is still in France and doesn't start his one and a half year vacation to America for another six months, so chill out, will ya?"

"Wait, why is your ex-boyfriend texting you?"

"Clingy. I broke up with him like five months ago, but he's still bugging me. Anyways, we still need to figure out how to get the money." I gave them a "any ideas" look before sighing. "Okay, how about this: the money is getting transported to the bank, right?"

They all nodded.

"Okay, so what if we hide right under the money and then the others tag along behind us?"

It was silent as they all thought on it for a moment.

"I have an idea. Danny, Alex, and I could hide under the money while Merritt and Jack follow us." Henley said.

"And then we could replace the real money with fake money." Daniel added.

"And we can add a flash bang so it reacts with the paper." Jack continued.

"But now is the problem with the teleportation..." Henley said.

"That's easy." I said. "But let's talk about it later. Right now, I need some air." I got up and stretched my arms, heading for the door.

"Jack, go with her so she stays out of trouble." Daniel said as I sent him a glare and a growl, making him flinch. "What?"

"Bastard... Trust issues much?"

"I just wanna make sure you two don't get yourselves caught or anything." Daniel said.

I rolled my eyes before slipping my boots on and my vest along with my hat after ticking my short into my pants. "Don't touch or break my stuff or I'll slit your throats in your sleep. Let's go, Jack." I said, placing my hat on my head.

"After you." He said as he held the door open for me.

When we left, neither one of us spoke on the way downstairs. Once outside, Jack finally broke the awkward silence between us. "So, um...where do you usually perform?"

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