chapter 1

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Auother's pov:-
It was the first day after a long summer break. All the students in the Campus gathered to the main hall to start the their meeting.

Mrs. Watson:- welcome, my dear students. I hope that you all have spended your time happily and enjoying your summer break with your family's. Now after today we are going to start your next Campus year. Let's work hard and make your dreams come true. I know all of  you can do and achieve your goals. With that in mind, let's get ready for your new begging.

Y/N , Emma , Suho , Edmend is best friends. After the meetings over
Y/N and Emma  joined the other bellas and Edmend and Suho ( Both are roommates) went to their dorms. There are 9 members in the bella group. Cloe (Leader) , Y/N , Emma , Stacy , Emily , Lily,  Amie,  Carol , Cara.

Stacy:- Girls!!!!!.... tell me.... how was your holiday.?

Y/N:- Tell us how you spend your holiday.

Stacy :-  well.... You know how...

Emma:-  well. let me guess. With cute guys?

Stacy:- you know me so well. I love you girls.

Cloe:- come on girls. This is a new time a new chapter in our lives. We should be happy for every thing. Not just that ...... telling it was the word holiday ever.

Y/N:- well. How about you. Did you go on a date with Eric?

Cloe:-  he's my boyfriend. Yes he did..... I mean yes we went on lots of dates.

Y/N:- yeah ... right ..

While all the girls were chatting more fun things happening out side.


Suho :- Hey Edmend! Why is your cloths all over the floor in our dorm. Your making a mess bro.

Suho and Edmend are roommates and they are the best friends with y/n and Emma. Soho is from Korea and Edmend is from England.

Edmend:- SORRY bro. I'm still tidying things up. If your done with your stuff can you come and give me a hand.

After this let's goto the cafe with girls. I'm hungry.

Edmend:- ok. I'm hungry to. I didn't eat my breakfast couse I was late.

Suho:- what..!!!!. that's the most important meal. You just can't skip that. Your so y/n. The only thing that makes you different is that she's a girl.

After every thing was done the 4 best friend joined togather for a hangout in a close cafe.

Y/N:- So. Did you guys had fun?

Suho:- what do you mean fun? My little sis Minnie is going to be a kpop idol next month. I am so excited.

Edmend:- Cool bro. I know your sis is way pretty.

Emma:- wow Ed. When did you start liking Suho's little sister?

Edmend:- Not too long ago. Just now.😂

Y/N:- Very funny. See I'm not laughing. Ok. I know this is our second year. What do you think?

Emma:- What do you mean think...... I need to study harder if not my mom's ganna kill me.

Suho:- you can do it. Studying is fun.

IT WAS SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN TO HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS.  We always do that. Going to the cafe and talk about the things that happened at that day ... and at the end we laghue for no reason. That's friendship right?.....
So we all went home after our hangout. I was so tired so I quickly got a shower and jumped right on to my bed to watch some You tube.
When I try to to click the you tube app , suddenly some stranger sended me a massage.
                         ???:- Hi, it has be a long time. I think you probably have forgotten about me. Right?
                      Y/N:- Who is this, and how did you get my number?

                   ???:- Greaaaaaaat!!! ,  I knew it. You can't even recognize me. Is it that long. To me I think I left you ......... like 3 years ago when you said your going to America to study.

                   Y/N:- Look. Who ever you are just stop texting me. I didn't have anyone in my life and I am still fine alone. BYE.

                 ???:- yeah I know that.
                ???:- Hello. Did you just left............. Come on!..... y/n.

                ???:- Ok fine . I'll go. I can't just stay here and text my self. BYE.

I looked at the text messages that unknown person sended me. I was so curious about how did he get my number and how he know me. I'm  not that kind of famous character either. So I felt a sleep couse I have to wake up in the morning for my first day of my 2nd year classes.


I'm so sorry if I have any mistake in my story. This is the first one that I wrote and I wanted to know if there's any mistakes , pls tell me so I can learn them.
English is not my mother language but I'm  learning it. I thought that reading and writing might improve my knowledge for that. So thanks for reading it.

I purple you army💜

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