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I fell asleep after he raped me. I think my body finally succumbed to all of the trauma in the last 24 hours. And not sleeping at all the night before.....I just couldn't hold on anymore.

Part of me kinda wished that he would just kill me

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Part of me kinda wished that he would just kill me.
Because I had no idea how I was going to get past this and not live in fear. And for some reason I was afraid to see Billie again.....I mean if I did ever get to see her again. I felt ashamed and dirty.

I heard the door open and my body stiffened up so bad my muscles were cramping.
"You need to eat it's almost 1 o'clock.
Here's your clothes I washed them. Couldn't get the blood out of your hoodie though" He explained. This dude was so off mentally. He kidnapped, assaulted and raped me and is talking to me like we just spent a beautiful evening together. But I knew I had to be careful if I wanted to get out of this alive.
I forced myself to sit up & reached for my clothes. "Thank you" I whispered. He watched me get dressed. I didn't even care anymore I just prayed that he wouldn't touch me again.
He walked over to me and ran his hand down my back. "You've got bruises on your back" He said. I mentally rolled my eyes. No shit Sherlock.
"I've got em on my neck, wrists and thighs too" I said condescendingly. Fuck. Not the plan Rae I said to myself.
"I never wanted to hurt you Rae. I'm in love with you. I just wanna be with you" he said.
I didn't respond. "Let's eat" he grabbed my wrist & I winced in pain as he pulled me into the dinning room. He pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit down. I complied. He sat a bowl down in front of me, it looked like a Chipotle burrito bowl or something.

"I wanna go home Noah" I said firmly. He took a bite of his food and looked at me from across the table. "My girlfriend is more than likely freaking out wondering where I am. How are you expecting this to all play out?" I asked him.
"I'm having a party tonight, you're my girl. You need to be here" he replied.
Jesus Christ he IS nuts I thought to myself.
He got up from the table to rinse his bowl out.
I don't know what came over me but I bolted out of my chair and ran to the front door as fast as I could. I slid the chain over and twisted the deadbolts....."Rae!!!!!" He yelled. I sprinted out the door, flew off the porch and ran 3 houses down and banged on their door sobbing. An older man finally opened up the door.
"Please, me" I was out of breath & I could hear Noah screaming my name down the street.
The older man let me in and shut the door, his wife consulted me while calling the police.
Was it finally over I thought to myself? I had sweat dripping down my face.
The cops showed up & took me to the hospital. They did a rape kit and I did end up having to get stitches in my head & a course of antibiotics because the cut was infected.
I didn't know what had happened to Noah. But I felt safe in the hospital bed for now. I drifted off to sleep, they gave me pain medicine that made me drowsy as fuck.

I'm not sure how long I was out for when a nurse woke me up to check my vitals.
"You should be able to go home in a few hours. The doctor just wants to run more fluids because you are extremely dehydrated. She turned to walk out & paused, "Oh and you have a visitor" she smiled. As she was walking out Billie walked in & the nurse shut the door. She stood there for a minute like she was afraid of me. I sat up and winced. My ribs were bruised from the fall and other hurt to move. I forced myself up, "Bil...." I held my arms out. She forced a smile, I could tell she was sad for me. She climbed into the bed with me and held me.
"Mamas......I'm so sorry" she whispered kissing my forehead. "Don't be sorry Bil, just hold me please" I replied. I felt a couple of her tears fall onto my arm but I didn't have the energy to respond, my eyes were heavy again & I couldn't keep them open anymore. The thing last I remember was the comfort of her arms & her familiar sweet scent.

I woke up & Billie was in the chair next to my bed talking on her cell and the nurse was checking my blood pressure

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I woke up & Billie was in the chair next to my bed talking on her cell and the nurse was checking my blood pressure.
"I'm going to go ahead and remove your IV and then there are 2 officers outside that want to come in and ask you some questions. Is that okay?" She asked. Billie stood up and grabbed my hand. "You good mama?" She asked.
"Yeah....and yes I can talk to them" I answered.
The cops informed me that they had Noah in custody for questioning but it was basically my word against his until the rape kit comes back.

Billie had brought me clothes to the hospital & I was super grateful. I never wanted to see that hoodie again in my life. I told the nurse, she said the cops needed it for evidence anyway.
I slipped into the joggers & tshirt Bil brought me and the cops came in.
I told everything that happened from the start. They seemed to believe me but it would be a process to prosecute him.

We left the hospital hand in hand.
"I hope you don't mind, but I reserved a hotel like an hour away. I figured it would bring you some peace until they lock his ass up" Billie explained.
"If they lock his ass up" I responded. She stopped, stood in front of me and grabbed my hands. "They will" she kissed my hand. I smiled. "Thank you Bil.......I love you" I said.
She smirked "Bitch you better" she winked, grabbed my waist & pulled me into her "I love you too mamas" She gave me the softest most gentle kiss on my lips.
"lets get outta here!" she grabbed my hand and lead me to her car.

Noah caught a charge but he only got probabtion. His parents have money and that's just how the justice system works sometimes.
I sold my house, moved and switched schools. So far he hasn't bothered me.
Billie's back on tour but we're still together. I'm flying out to Australia to surprise her at one of her shows in a couple of days.

************hey guys thanks for reading. I'm moving on from this story because I've got an idea for another one 🙃************

 I'm moving on from this story because I've got an idea for another one 🙃************

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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