Loving in His own way

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Flashbacks are in italics: Example

Thoughts are italics in Quotations: 'Example'

Word Count: 1273

Loving in His own way

Long ago, Leone Abbacchio had once saved her life.

Perhaps he didn't remember, but it was still fresh in her mind. Both the thought and feeling were always there, present whenever the light-haired man came into contact with her,

'I'll never forget,' She declared, knowing that it was fate that had her meet with him once more, only years later.

Back then, he had been so young and sweet, a deep contrast of the bitter man he was in the present time.

She was well aware he was no longer the same naive boy, but even then, she continued to appreciate the fact.

- And she continued to pay him back with little acts.

Publicly, he was disgraced, but even then, it didn't change her thoughts of him.

She was well aware he was no longer the same starry-eyed male, but even then, she continued to hold onto the same feeling.

Somehow, despite the bitterness, she still loved him.

Somehow, despite his initial shove he'd pushed her away with, she still admired him, pushing back with the only thing she had to offer,

Her heart.

Hushed, she never revealed her reasoning, not wanting him to think of it as something she offered out of obligation, but rather, a simple act of genuine love.

- An act of affection.

' It was the first time I'd ever felt I mattered,' She thought with adoration, always willing to fall back in line with him, and always willing to follow his path.

Slowly, he melted down, becoming close to her, in only a way Abbacchio could ;

Discreetly, with shame, and with the feeling that he didn't deserve to have anything nice come his way.

But she could tell.

She easily read him, knowing just why he'd been so guarded, as well as why he didn't just admit that gradually, he'd fallen in love with her too.

' You think you're so inconspicuous,' She mused.

Occasionally, his hand touched hers, ever so softly that the touch was nearly nonexistent.

Other times he was much more bold, taking hold of them altogether,

With one hand laid onto the seat, he let his small finger inch closer to hers, stopping just as his skin made contact with hers, feeling the chilly touch of her (s/c) skin meet his,

"You cold?" He asked her quietly, scooting closer, the excuse of keeping the conversation between the two of them being what most often became his justification for the close proximity.

" A little," She said smiling halfheartedly, her two hands coming close together, rubbing eachother for warm friction.

"Yeah?" he softly breathed, soon holding her two hands in his, lifting them to his mouth, blowing out warm huffs, coating her fingers with their sweet heat,

"Better?" he said in the same tender tone, causing her entire body to envelope in warmth.

From the roots of her (h/c) colored hair, down to the tips of her toes, she was touched by the warmth.

Leone Abbacchio x Reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now