Chapter 16

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 "Hey, Peter Parker. Where's Ned?" Sarah asked when she sat down at the cafeteria.

True to her word, Michelle was several seats away again. Sarah had seen Ned in first period robotics but now he was nowhere to be found and she knew Peter had most classes with him. Peter chuckled as the girl said both his names.

"He got hurt last period, the nurse sent him home."

"Aww, poor Ned... we shouldn't start the set without him."

Peter agreed but that left the two of them with no afternoon plans now. And since decathlon didn't meet on Wednesdays and Fridays, they had plenty of time after school.

"You know, I've never seen most of New York."

"What? Really?" Peter looked shocked.

"I was here once when I was twelve and aside from school, I don't leave the compound."

"That's it then! After school, we tour New York. I'll show you all the best places."

Flash Thompson sat down next to Sarah before she could say anything else. The girl jumped as he put his arm around her shoulder.

"Can you please not do that?"

Flash removed his arm but didn't rid his face of the smile he had been wearing since he strolled over. He drummed the table for a minute before speaking.

"A bunch of us are going to the mall after school. You should come."

"I'm sorry, training," Sarah lied a little too smooth that it should be worrying.

Flash nodded in understanding. "They ever give you a free day?"

"Not until I'm a full Avenger, honestly. The hour you guys have for decathlon is about it."

"Bummer, well, whenever you sneak away the offer always stands to come with us. Especially when you get tired of this loser. Why do you even sit here? I'll catch you at our practice." Flash winked. "Bye Sarah. Penis Parker."

Peter scoffed and then gave Sarah a look when he noticed her snickering. She apologized, still giggling and Peter rolled his eyes before getting up and pulling her along to their next class. When school ended, true to his word, Peter became an unofficial tour guide. He said there was absolutely no way to see every single thing he wanted to show of New York but it was absolutely necessary that Sarah see Manhattan.

She had never been on public transport that wasn't the buses of DC so the subway was a new feeling. A feeling Sarah wasn't sure she liked after seeing the subway and the strangeness on it. She sat a bit close to Peter as more people packed into the subway car. Sarah was overwhelmed when they stepped out of the subway station and into the main street.

"You good?" Peter noticed as her body seemed tensed.

"Lot of people."

"Yeah, it's Manhattan. Hand?"

Peter held out an upturned hand that Sarah gladly accepted. First stop, the Empire State Building. Peter huffed as his mini super-soldier of a friend chose to run up the stairs of the building when one of the employees said people could try it if they dared. Most of the tourists gave up and went back to a floor with elevators but Sarah didn't. She turned around as she picked up on his heavy breathing and ran back down a few flights to meet him.

"Want a lift?"

Peter eyed her skeptically, the two of them were almost the same height.

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