Chapter 29

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Dheaidí, it's a field trip. We have a bus for a reason, you don't need to drop me off."

"I'm already headed that way anyway, it's not a bother."

Steve watched Sarah dry her hands after washing the excess coconut oil off of her palms from the last minute choice to moisturize her hair a bit more. His hair was starting to become darker over the years, especially now with the beard but Sarah's curls seemed to still be the honey blonde of his past. Especially the ends that were strikingly bright compared to the roots that were very very slowly darkening to more honey than blonde.

"Aunty Nat's gonna yell at you if you're late to the quinjet again. I. Will. Be. Fine."

Sarah accented each word with a push to get Steve out the door before he was late. Happy was taking her and Peter to school super early because the juniors were going on a field trip with a semi-long bus ride.

Steve, Sam, and Nat were meeting Pietro, Vision and Wanda to check in on their mission before heading out for a bunker in Taiwan. Bucky would've gone with them but T'Challa requested Avenger help for a mission and the trusted "White Wolf" was clearly the preferred option. Everyone was out Avengering in some form except Sarah and Peter who for once were content with just going to school— and Clint, who was with his kids for the week. Steve chuckled and stumbled out the door, grabbing his shield and Sarah's backpack. They both walked down to the garage where the others were waiting. Sarah gave Nat and Sam a hug goodbye before taking the bag from Steve.

"Have a good day at school," he said as the bag left his hand.

"Have a good mission." They both hugged and kissed each other on the cheek.

Peter came down seconds later and threw his arm over Sarah's shoulder as she walked with him to the car. She turned around when Steve called her name.

"What do you want from Scotland this time?"

"Ooh, a little statue of a yak, I accidentally broke the other one."

"Noted. Alright, Babydoll, see you soon. One week." Steve held up a pinky.

"One week."

Sarah nodded, holding up a pinky as well. She and Peter got into the car ready for a school day that wasn't actually at school. Over the summer everyone had pretty much come to know that she and Peter were together. Although, a lot of guys didn't believe it and were positive Sarah would be breaking up with Peter any day now. And because the two of them were joined at the hip around the compound they had no problem sitting with their other friends instead of each other on the bus. It was perfect for Sarah since she and MJ were ready to just read. Sarah pulled out a book to swap with her friend.

"This is a textbook," MJ said looking at it.

"No," Sarah defended. "It's an anthropology full of mythologies from other cultures. I dog-eared my favorites for you."

"Okay, I'll try it. Here's mine."

MJ handed the girl her pick.

"Oh, I've never read Gone With the Wind."

"Really? I was struggling to think of something you hadn't read."

"Yeah," she said as she flipped open to the first page. "My mother said it was racist and wouldn't let me read it so young, just never got around to it after I guess."

"I mean she's not exactly wrong. But it's an interesting read."

They both sat back and let their eyes scan the pages. Sarah looked up for a brief moment as the bus went over a bridge and saw the newest billboard promoting new technology from Stark Industries. It was for nanotech that she had actually helped Tony with. She took a picture to send to him and Pepper who were taking a fake honeymoon in the main city of New York— he had taken her so many places over the years that the city seemed like a foreign place. Tony sent back a picture of Pepper tying her shoe as they finished their morning run.

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