Chapter 24

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Sarah ate breakfast in the common room dining area because it was one of the few occasions the entire team was up early on a weekday before she had to leave for school. Pepper came strolling in, already in her business attire, typing something away on her phone.

"We did it, Avengers Tower has been sold. I'm enlisting all of you to help with moving, no complaints."

"You sold the Tower, Uncle Tony?"

"Ever since we started phasing all of the New York S.H.I.E.L.D. branch into the compound, I just don't see a reason for us to have both. Keep everything in a central location. How much was it bought for Pep?" Tony moved to the toaster to wait for his breakfast.

"More than necessary."

"Capsicle, ever heard of a trust fund? Sarah got one?"


Tony caught the toast as it popped out of the toaster.

"Ms. Potts, set up a trust for Baby Wilson-Rogers... Split it, half to the Spiderling." Tony aggressively took a bite out of the toast and walked out of the common room and towards his lab. Nat poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Well, now we know why he's never having children. He already has two."

"Wait, does this mean I'm a millionaire?" Sarah asked with clearly too much excitement.

"Technically, multi," Pepper said. "And technically, not till you graduate. Finish eating, Happy's downstairs already."

She finished and went to the car. Happy laughed as Sarah tried to convince him to let her drive to school— not succeeding. When she jumped out of the car, she saw MJ on the bench reading. The other girl looked up from her book.

"Jared's going to ask you to the dance before homeroom."

"Oh, joy."

"This makes him sad male number five?"

"It's not sad... and number six. Do you want to go dress shopping after school?"

"Yeah, sure."

Sarah extended a hand that MJ reluctantly took and walked with her inside. MJ never walked with Sarah for very long but she was slowly opening up considering this was the first time she stayed holding the girl's hand as Sarah pulled her inside. When Sarah caught up to Peter and Ned alone, Peter was buzzing in anticipation to tell her something. He looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to their conversation.

"I found out their next whereabouts, new buyer named Mac Gargan."

"Look at you go. So new buyer, what are you going to do now?"

"They meet tomorrow on the Staten Island Ferry. I know we were supposed to go see that improv show but—"

"But you've got a job to do. I get it Spider-man, I guess this is payback from when I had to bail on bowling... you know, I've never been to Staten Island."

"It's... Staten Island. When it's not a mission, let's go."

Sarah and Peter shook on it. Even if the two never ended up going, the thought of it was still nice. Sarah didn't know what she was going to do over the weekend anymore— Ned's wasn't even an option because of a family reunion. Most of the house was going to be on a mission or in Tony's case various "business trips" for Stark Industries that very closely resembled vacation. Maybe Pepper would want to go with her somewhere but she was overseeing the move.

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