Chapter 5

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A series of events involving Sarah and Steve leading up to Winter Soldier:

"Sarah, come on we're about to go," Steve called towards the back of the store from where he was at the checkout counter.

He had taken the Saturday off to take her to the mall— something he read was a good bonding activity. Sarah still was afraid of getting lots of things but Steve thought maybe he could at least see what caught her eye and maybe sneak them into the house slowly but surely. He kept the brim of his baseball cap low to avoid anyone that might recognize him, trying to only focus on his daughter for the day. As well as keep her identity hidden as best as he could. Who knows what would happen if enemies knew Cap had a kid.

Before Sarah could go to him, a couple approached her. The man watched over his shoulder for Steve while the woman got a bit closer.

"Are you okay, honey?"


Sarah took a step towards the rack and looked over to where Steve was paying, the woman following her line of sight.

"Do you know that man? Don't be afraid, you can trust us."

"That's my dad."

"We can get you help, you don't have to lie. He won't hurt you anymore."

"He's my dad," Sarah said with nervousness in her voice. She wanted the people to go away.

Steve was over before Sarah could even blink. "Is there a problem here?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't let you leave with that child."

"With my child?"

"Your child? We can clearly see—"

"Yes. My child. Not that it matters but her mother is black."

"May we see a picture?"

"You're kidding..." Steve was attempting to keep his composure.

"We want to make sure you're not kidnapping a child! If we don't know she's safe, she's not leaving with you sir!"

Steve looked down when he heard Sarah's breathing get shallow. He immediately stopped his argument with the couple that had attracted more people concerned that a very large white man was seen with a child far from his skin complexion. He once again dropped to below Sarah and turned her to face him. Steve turned off the hearing aids to try and help her find calm in the silence. He was speaking while signing but more for the other patrons' benefit than hers.

"Hey, Sarah. Sarah. Look at me. You're fine, they were just concerned. You're fine. I'm not leaving you, okay? Breathe in. Okay, now out. Again."

They're going to take you away. They take everyone away.

Steve was in panic mode now. Sarah wasn't in the same reality as everyone else, thinking this whole thing had been some cruel HYDRA set up. She was positive that in any minute guards would come drag her away and Steve would be killed in front of her or, even worse, be wearing a sick smile as he watched them haul her back to her cell.

"No, no. Sarah, no one's taking me away. I'm right here. You won't lose me. Sarah. I know they took your mom but we aren't with those bad people. Right?... That means they won't take me away either. Okay, so I'm right here."

Steve waited as she tried to calm down.

"I hope her panic attack was proof enough she's mine."

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