2 - Friend

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"Mmmn..." I squinted at the whiteness in front of me. It was so very white. Blinding white...wait, where am I?

I quickly sat up, only to feel groggy and pain erupting from everywhere on my body. I flinched when the door to the room opened.

"P-Pitou-san..." I whispered when the cat-like ant approached me with their usual dull eyes.

"I am here to treat your wounds." They explained and began removing my shirt by force. I blushed and held them back with a stutter.

"W-Wait! I'll do it myself!" I stood up slowly and turned to face the wall so they couldn't see my front torso. I took off my shirt and I felt Pitou poking my bruises with some sort of cream.

"Um, Pitou-san-"

"Pitou is fine."

"Oh, okay...Pitou, do you know why the King spared my life?" I asked and turned around so they can treat the large purplish bruise on my stomach.

"...I am unsure so I cannot speak in place of his majesty." They replied honestly. I nodded solemnly.

"Well uh...I don't suppose he will let me go, will he?" I tried to sound hopeful. He has to release me, please! I can't die before the geezer does!

"That will not be possible. We have been ordered to keep an eye on you and His Majesty also regards you as his personal punching bag." Pitou says casually as if it was normal.


"Are you telling me that...he is going to slap me with his tail in the future as well...?" I felt like vomiting, drowning, pinching myself, etc. This has to be a dream, right? Being a punching bag for someone is worse than living!

I began to wail at the thought of the king's tail smacking me every single day without rest...

I'm doomed...I will never be able to escape this place alive!!!

"Damn it..." I cursed as Pitou finished their treatment. Before they left, I spied a hint of a smile on their lips. Did Pitou smile because of me? Nah...no way.

I sigh and followed Pitou out of the room since I had nothing to do. Now that I focused more on my surroundings, I realized how spacious and wealthy the mansion is. The material used to make it wasn't cheap at all. This place looked like it belonged to royalty! How did these ants even find a place like this?!

Wait...the real question is, how did they even obtain it in the first place!? Ah...I feel like I already know the answer, judging by how they mercilessly killed those innocent people from the fields.

"His Majesty is playing games in the throne room so do keep quiet when you enter." Pitou opens the door for me. I nod and stepped in to see the king sitting on the floor, an arm propped on his knee. His eyes which were focused on the board game soon leveled onto mine.

I shuddered at the deep purple orbs that flashed a shade of pink.

"Hm, so you have awoken." He says before looking back down on his game. He was playing chess.

"Um...Your Majesty. May I play a round...with you?" I managed to finish my request.

"So you know how to play chess? Fine by me. Sit." He orders. I sat and we began to play. In the end, I won, which startled him. I could see his eyes widen a bit.

"A good game." He states before looking at me. I found myself staring back into those mesmerizing eyes. "Why are you staring at me so intensely?" He bluntly asked.

"...I just thought Your Majesty's eyes were beautiful." I said honestly, a light blush over my cheeks. If I lied, he would've pressured me into saying the truth anyway...

At that moment, I felt a piercing gloom from behind me. My eyes slightly wandered to the royal guard. I had almost forgotten that Shaiapouf was there, observing and listening to everything we do and say.

"...You are telling the truth." The King looks away from me. "You are a weird one. Let us play again." He smiles a bit. I nod and we played multiple rounds, every one of them ending with my victory.

It was stressing me out though because each game we play makes him improve and grow rapidly. I somehow managed to do moves that resulted in checkmate, so he never got the chance to say it. It was probably my luck though.

"You are not only physically strong, but you are also good at chess." He chuckles, his tail wagging happily. "It seems like leaving you alive was a good decision."

"...Thanks?" I squeaked. Please don't kill me...I don't want to die yet! "I think you should move on to other games now. Playing with me the whole time isn't interesting at all." I bow and took my leave.


I turn to see him standing.

"Prepare yourself for tomorrow. It will be a match involving a bet." He says, his eyes narrowed dangerously when he mentioned a bet. My hands trembled but I firmly nodded before heading out, two eyes burning my back.

It was obviously that damn butterfly that won't stop pestering me! He is too overprotective of the King. I prefer Pitou and Youpi over him. Even though Youpi was a bit dense and usually ignored me, he didn't bother me in the least. Pitou was the opposite of both because they actually tended to my injuries. Even if it was an order, I was still grateful.

In this foreign place, Pitou was like my only friend- though they never probably thought of me as one.

"Piiiitooooouuu!!!" I grinned when I saw the cat-like ant sitting on top of a high pole. Their En looked like an amoeba, stretching and curling around the palace.

"Mehana...what are you doing here?" They asked in surprise. I shivered under their En but managed to walk closer, despite the malice surrounding me.

"I am bored and happened to find you up there. Are you scouting for intruders?" I asked, my teeth chattering. Pitou's En was amazing! It was full of menace that even I don't want to get closer to them!

"Yes...but I suggest you step back. I don't want you to stay within my En for too long. It might affect you negatively." They say and jumped down. "Now go back to the King. Weren't you playing chess with him?"

"I was but I got bored so I left..." I pouted.

"You left the King!?" Pitou's eyes widened.

"Is that bad?"

"...No, but usually the King wouldn't allow people to leave unless he says so."

"Oh...I will keep that in mind next time." I sigh. "The King is so difficult to understand."

"...Perhaps." Pitou giggles and hops back to their seat on the pole. I stood there for a while. They just smiled, didn't they? Pitou found my comment amusing.

I smile and went back to my room. I was making progress in making them my friend.

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