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Name key
Shazam: Remi
Blueberry: Elaine
Asslo: Arlo
Pumpkin King: Isen
Soulless: Blyke
Sera: Seraphina

Shazam:  Doc is mad at zeke for "being dumb"

Soulless: wut happened

Shazam: zeke thought Cecile was lying so he challenged john

Claire: i shouldve made a bet with someone

Shazam: i mean he potentially hospitalized the school dickhead 

Claire: our school dick was John

Pumpkin King: did he beat up arlo

Asslo: I still have that fork and you could clearly see she said Zeke dumb b*tch

Pumpkin King: statement redacted

Soulless: dont threaten my bro dude you can't take on me and him at the same time

Sera: dudes a real creep so it's ok

John: so guys everyone is afraid of me and i dont kno what i did

Claire: I mean you hospitalized a kid, did they not kno you were that strong

Blueberry: all they knew was that he was a cripple and they thought that article was fake news

Sera: hey at least they didnt kidnapped you when they found out you weren't a god tier

John: Those pieces of garbage deserve what I did to them and I hope they never wake up from their coma

Claire: wut school do you guys go to cause that sounds crazy that people are that much of a dick

John: everyone is a dick in this school except for remi and sera

Soulless: wut about me and isen dawg we cool

John: u shot a beam at my head and isen broke my hand and y'all one of the reason i dont sleep

Pumpkin king: you have ptsd and depression i kno for a fact that we aren't the problem

John: Who Gave you my personal info

Claire: how do u have ptsd

Pumpkin King: He got tortured

Shazam: guys Johns on top of the boys dorm looks like he's a bout to jump

Asslo: Tell him to do a flip

Sera: omw

3 hours later
John: imma kill Cecile

Pumpkin King: not the goddess Cecile

Asslo: Aren't you the one that beat the shit out of her, you would expect her to drop the article

John: Maybe if you weren't a dumb piece of shit and let me be a cripple you would still be king and you could still have your precious hierarchy you love and have sex with every night.

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