Arlo Isn't Gay

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John: like Ludacris said "I want a lady in the streets and a Freak in the bed"

Shazam: oh look I'm a freak in the bed

Pumpkin king: how homophobic of you John

John: how am I homophobic

Pumpkin king: because Arlo has a crush on you and you are looking for a girl so you anti gays

John: first off arlos not my type... my type for men are people that aren't abusive

Asslo: I'm not gay

John: that's not what the picture says

Claire: wasn't there a picture before my time where arlo kissed a girl

Blueberry: the best day of my life

Asslo: yeah see proof I'm not gay

Soulless: Elton John had a wife but he's gay

Asslo: guys I'm not gay

Sera: you said you would pound Johns ass

Shazam: you said you would have sex if John wants to have sex

Asslo: that was for a meme

Claire: from what I could tell arlo doesn't meme

Asslo: well I'm not gay but John likes it when seraphina steps on him

Soulless: I would also like it if seraphina stepped on me 🤤🤤🤤🤤


Sera: wtf

John: I don't want to know what happened to arlo when I stepped on him

Claire: well we could say arlo is bi at least

Asslo: I'm as straight as a straw

Claire: there's bendy straws

Asslo : fuck

John: just come out the closet

Asslo: I just want Jarlo to happen

John: that will never happen

Asslo: I will wait one day for it to happen

Sera: that relationship was built on abuse

Shazam: we finna ignore what blyke said about Seraphina

Sera: yes, yes we are

Pumpkin king: blyke buddy we need to talk

Soulless: I uh thought I didn't hit send

John: anyway back to arlo being gay

Asslo: I had plenty of sex more sex than any of you

John: and unlike me, you don't have proof

Blueberry: he had it with me

Sera: that's a lie you never leave the dorm

Blueberry: in my dreams that kinda counts right

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