John and Remi Get Caught

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John: I still feel like not telling sera is a bad thing

Remi: don't worry its not like she's your girlfriend she can't accuse you of cheating or anything

John: still feel like I'm  betraying her trust

Remi: as long as we don't do anything stupid we won't get caught

Back to the group chat

Sera: anyone seen John we had a fight

Soulless: So that's what all that yelling was

Claire: sera based on the name of this chapter you might want to brace for the amount of pain Johns going to give you

Sera: I don't think John will hurt

Blueberry: we gonna ignore the fact that Claire thinks we in a book

Soulless: anyone see where John went it is straight up midnight he's past curfew and he has ptsd he might end up killing himself

Blueberry: alright we are gonna ignore what Claire said

Sera: that's what I'm worried about

Pumpkin king: what were you fighting about

Sera: he wouldn't take his antidepressant and I told him he had

Pumpkin king: y wouldn't he take them

Sera: the side effects which are erectile dysfunction and suicidal thoughts

Soulless: yeah with those side effects I wouldn't do them either

Sera: where's remi so she could back me up

Soulless: it's midnight she goes to bed early because she is an old lady so if you think he is doing stuff with him

Sera: so she wouldn't know where he is at right now

Claire: I think she knows exactly where John is atm

Pumpkin king: ever since she almost died to ember she goes to bed early

Claire: you really think she she stopped being a Hero

Soulless: yeah

Claire: you probably think the author is going to give you jera huh

Blueberry: I think John broke Claire with new bostin cause Claire thinks we are in a book

Soulless: jeras gonna win because they sleep together

Soulless: in the same bed

Pumpkin king: that's what sleep together means

Sera: I do not sleep with him

Pumpkin king: one time I saw John passed out on the couch and you were on his lap and it looked like you fell asleep playing with his hair you guys should just date already

Sera: I don't think he likes me like that

Claire: you really don't have a clue how much he likes you

Sera: he probably sees me as a sister or something

Blueberry: I don't think he would let his sister do that

Pumpkin king: guys remi is not in her I checked with my ability

Claire: welp it's official John and remi are hero's

Sera: are you sure it's not just a date

Claire: you forget that my ability is clairvoyance

Blueberry: your parents really couldn't really think of a name so they just shortened your ability name

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