Cry for Help Part 2

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John: y'all suck

Sera: was this anything to do with what happened yesterday

John: maybe

Shazam: how did you change your name without the chat telling us

Claire: magic

Sera: what do you need help with

John: my dad is here and he brought his girlfriend

Claire: your dad has a girlfriend?

Shazam: you should be happy for him

John: I kinda almost killed her daughter

Sera: lol

John: don't lol me

Asslo: it's normal to beat up people

Claire: was she in the group that I brought to fight you

John: perhaps

Shazam: your actions have consequences

John: and that's why your brother died

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Shazam: what do you keep on sending that needs to be deleted

Sera: if we say it your friendship will most likely be non existent

Asslo: what is he saying about Rei

John: bold of you to assume I know who that is

Shazam: that's my brother

John: the one that died

Sera: how do you know he died

John: I know who killed him

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John: I just found out my dad is gonna propose to her tonight

Sera: lmao

John: he wants you there too

Shazam: that's gonna be awkward

Sera: how is it awkward he's my future husband

Shazam: we don't know that

Claire: we literally know that

Shazam: source

Claire: literally me the person who can see the future

Shazam: the future is never set in stone

Sera: it is since we are dating

Shazam: we are close to drinking age get him drunk and he'll take responsibility

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Claire: I swear that is a quote from and anime

Soulless: it's from Oregairu

Pumpkin king: the blue haired chick with the little sister shouldve ended up with 8man

Asslo: weebs

John: you just salty that no one will love you like anime girls will love the main character

Sera: what time do I need to go to your house

John: The daughter finna be there fml

Sera: what are we gonna do about your kid

John: imma just say she is sick so I don't have to go

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