Epilogue: The Two Middles

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I smile as I scroll through my phone, looking at each and every picture with a certain affection. She's happy in all of them, and so obviously, I am too. I hadn't realized how far I'd scrolled before I came to the picture I'd taken of her on our first date, which had, amazingly, been awkward in the beginning, but had turned out to be pretty awesome. She'd been wearing a huge straw hat we'd found on the beach (yeah, we picked up a random, possibly disease-infected straw hat off the sand), which was where I'd taken her. It went nicely with her blue shorts and white T-shirt, and my dark sunglasses she'd forced on herself. She held the rim of the hat and stuck one hip out, a hand placed on it. This was about a week after we'd got together.

Aubrey and I have had a few more ups and downs, but right now, we're going strong, so strong, we've moved in together for college, of which we are currently doing our second year. We aren't going to the same one, but we managed to find a small apartment close to both our separate institutions, which rocks, if you ask me.

The girl herself is in the bedroom, doing god-knows-what. Though I think she's on her period, but you can never be too sure.


Yep, definitely on her monthly.

Time to hide.


I am stealth.

"Get out from behind the couch."

Okay, maybe not.

"Please don't kill me," I hold my hands up in the air like I just do not care.

Okay, sorry, I had to do that.

Right, let's redo it:

I hold my hands up in the air in a gesture of surrender, my eyes squeezed shut.

"I am going to ask you this once, and only once."

"I'm not cheating on you, I swear!" What? She's a woman on a mission, ready to seriously injure. It's best to clarify everything while I still have the chance.

"Where. Are. My. Lucky Charms?"

With her hair all over the place and bloodshot eyes (from watching too many YouTube videos, not from crying, mind you), she looks like she's going to kill me if I don't tell her.

I'm not telling her.

"I don't know."

"Oh, come on!" she flails her arms around in frustration.

"What? I don't know, Aubrey."

She lets out a cry, collapsing on the couch. I sit down next to her.

"What happened, Abby-poo?"

"Ugh, you're so full of cheesiness."

"Which is why I'm so tasty."

"Where have you put my Lucky Charms?"

"There were like, four of them left in the whole box. I threw it out."

Cue the loudest gasp in the history of the universe, "No."


"No, no, NO!"

"Yes, actually."

"You evil, evil, evil person," she hits my forearm repeatedly.

"What? There were literally four charms in that box."

"Even if there was one, you should've kept it."

I shrug, "Well, there's nothing we can do now, can we?"

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