His Disabled Princess Chapter 1

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"Hayes" Harley said calling the attention of her twin brother.

"Mhm" he hummed flipping the eggs he was making.

He was the definition of perfect. He had brown amazing hair was was silky as well, perfect blue eyes and he was putting on a bit of muscle already. Though they both looked like their dad she believed he was perfect and without any flaws.

"Do you think I should uh change?" She asked playing with the hem of her - actually his- oversized t-shit.

"Nope" he said bluntly "I love you just the way you are"

"No I mean should I change clothes and become more you know social and actually talk in class?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah" he replied putting the eggs on a plate "I wanna introduce you to my friends"

She shook her head.

"Not yet" she whispered.

"Okay Harls whenever you're ready" he said kissing her cheek.

He put a plate of eggs, bacon and strawberries in front of her and was about to leave.

"Hayes" she called.

"Yeah?" He asked looking at her.

"Thanks for the advice and breakfast" she smiled.

They- mostly Hayes- had begged their parents so that they could get their own place, after probably six months of begging their parents allowed it but it was highly guarded even though most of the threats were eliminated.

"That's what I'm here for" he smiled.

She nodded and looked at her food, processing what she was about to do.

"Hurry we have school" Hayes yelled.

She sighed and nodded. She was going to do this.


Harley looked at herself in the mirror. She could do this. She grabbed her curling iron and curled her already curly hair making no difference. She smiled to herself and looked at the lipstick. She shook her head and picked up the lip gloss, applying a little amount. She went to her walk in closet and looked for an outfit. Something that didn't look like she borrowed from her grandmother. She smiled as she took a pair of jeans and shirt.


Harley opened the car door and sat in with a bit of struggle. Her crutches were taken by the driver.

"Damn girl" Hayes smiled.

"You're supposed to say you look beautiful. Damn girl wasn't the full sentence" she giggled.

"You're back for good, hopefully" he said happily.

"Yup" she said popping the 'p'

Hayes smiled even more.

"Quit smiling like a maniac" she giggled.

"Whatever" he said pinching her chubby cheeks.

She rolled her eyes at him as the driver entered the car. She didn't want to admit it but she loved it when he pinched her cheeks.


"C'mon Harls" Hayes encouraged.

"Uh can I you know psych myself up" she asked nervously.

"Sure" he said narrowing his eyes at her.

"I'm not gonna run" she mumbled "literally"

"Har-" she cut him off by shaking her head.

"It's okay" she smiled.

He nodded and closed the car door behind leaving her to her thoughts.

"If I may advise you miss Harley" Drew, their driver asked happily.

He loved Harley and Hayes like they were his own children.

"Yeah Drew" she smiled, allowing him to speak.


"Your sister didn't come today?" Marco, Hayes friend asked curiously.

"Yeah was she scared?" Lance, another friend teased.

He rolled his eyes at his 'stupid' friends who had curious looks on their faces.

"She-" he was cut off by the door being opened then sounds of crutches touching the floor then all eyes were on Harley.

She looked beautiful with her curly brown hair bouncing off her shoulders while others stayed behind her back, her baby blue eyes sparkled, her outfit wasn't inappropriate and it was her style. She was in white jeans, a white top, a white cap and white Nike sneakers, one could say she looked like an angel with lots of help from the white she was wearing.

"Damn whose the girl?" Samuel, another friend of his asked literally eye-rapping Harley.

"None of your business" he said rolling his eyes.

Harley passed him a small, hesitant but genuine smile as she made her way to her locker.

"Oh I see she is yours" Lance teased.

"Yeah she is my sister" he said rolling his eyes.

"You have two sisters?" Marco asked shocked, you could say he was the dumb one on the group.

"No you dummy that's Harley" Samuel  said hitting the back of his head.

"What? She...... I thought she had nothing I mean look at the beautiful body" Lance gasped.

"And that body is not to he touched" he said sternly "nor looked at, understood?"

"Yeah" Lance said staring at her chest "look at those babies their probably the biggest in-"

"What the fuck man" he said growling

"Fine fine" Lance said looking away.

"Yeah bro we got it, she's your sis" Samuel assured him.

Harley sighed as she pushed her curls behind her ear. She was here. New and improved Harley was here. She wasn't going to be that shy and depressed girl anymore. She had changed for the best.

How was the first chapter?
Please don't kill me for not doing this earlier.
I was just- I hate to admit this- lazy to do this.
I had already written it somewhere else on my phone and transferring it was....
Anyway my surprise is.... three chapters- hopefully- in one day.
Who is the best
👉 👩‍🍳👈
The one with the frying pan... yeah that's me
Anyway that is Hayes at the top
Have an amazing day
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Comment and Share and remember this book can be read as a stand alone.

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