His Disabled Princess Chapter 8

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Harley groaned as Lilac and Hayes smiled at each other. Yeah sure it was cute and they looked adorable together but they were cutting off her Jace time.

Today Jace couldn't go to school because he was sick with a fever. Nothing serious but she missed not having him walk her to class or steal kisses from her while she fakes a frown when in fact she liked it and it made her feel loved.

"Hmph you have been soo grumpy today" Lilac laughed.

"We are apparently taking Jace time away from her" Hayes laughed, soaking in his sister's anger.

"But guys please hurry up" she practically begged.

"Fine" Hayes laughed, knowing he was done torturing his sister

He started the car with a chuckle.

"So where did you say he lives again?" Hayes asked glancing at his excited sister.

"Uh seventh avenue street just uptown" she smiled, bouncing in her car seat.

"You know I have never seen his house" Hayes said his lips in a thin line "and uptown isn't where is parents house is"

"Uhm it isn't?" Harley asked confused.

"Yeah it isn't" he laughed.

"He was last spotted in front of this apartment building today" Lilac said showing them a picture of a sick looking Jace with messy her hair which was cute and flushed cheeks. He had boxes with tissues in his hand making Harley's heart throb. He looked like a mess in a good way.

"He is definitely sick alright" Hayes laughed making Harley glare at him "don't worry gals I know this place"

Harley looked at him with guilt in her eyes. Her brother was the most hardworking guy she had ever met. He was determined, brave, a good listener and would make an excellent boss one day. She liked how he wanted to start from scratch. She once heard him talking -begging- their dad to allow them to stay in an apartment and pay thier own rent and all that. Sure they were sixteen but he had his priorities straight and his future planned out but she got in the way. Apparently she needed more space than a crammed apartment plus security and stuff so the got that decent size house.

Hayes eyes were on the road but he felt eyes on him. He glanced at Lilac who was staring out the window in awe making him fall even more then he looked at his sister. Their eyes met for a millisecond and he saw what held them and hated it. Regret. Guilt. Two things his sister always took advantage of. She always blamed herself for her misfortune. For her crutches. For her inability to walk with her legs. Hayes made it his mission to make his sister walk one day. One step at a time.

Soon he parked at an apartment building. It was decent, beautiful, modern yet it looked affordable. He opened the car door for his sister who just jumped out, not looking at him whatsoever.

Harley grabbed her phone and searched for Jace's name in contacts. Hayes rose an eyebrow when he saw bae but let it slide- or got distracted- when Lilac started trying to tickle him.

"Hey Jace" Harley's sort voice whispered "why am I whispering?"

"I dunno" she giggled "anyways I have a surprise for you so tell me your apartment room number"

"I will tell you later just tell me" she demanded not in a bossy way though.

"Okay 593" she repeated "thanks Jace"

She ended the call and grinned at Hayes and Lilac who were done with their tickle party.

"C'mon guys let's go" she smiled "Jace will be so surprised"

His Disabled PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now