Chapter 16

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 Bluewing yawned, following Dovewing, Mist, Swoop, Splash, Crag, and Foxleap outside of the cave. She didn't know what Jayfeather told Stoneteller, but he agreed to let the Clan cats stay with the Tribe for a few more days.

 ''Look!'' Dovewing suddenly meowed before anyone else could say anything. Bluewing followed her Clanmate's glare and saw some cats she never saw before being attacked by an eagle. She let out a shocked hiss and looked at her sister, but Mist seemed to be just as surprised as her.

 ''It looks like the intruders have gotten into trouble with an eagle. Serves them right. They're inside our territory!'' Splash hissed.

 ''Shouldn't we go help them?'' Dovewing asked, looking horrified at Splash.

 ''They'll have to learn to defend themselves, just like our ancestors did.'' Swoop shrugged.

 Bluewing blinked in disbelief. So they just want to let these cats get killed by that eagle?

 Foxleap lashed his tail. ''But we can't just let them get killed! The Clans always unite to defend against a common enemy!''

 Swoop looked doubtful, but before she could say something, Crag took a step forward. ''We have to help them! We can't just let them get killed! We'd just be as cruel as Sharptooth!'' He protested.

 Splash hesitated, then nodded. ''I guess you're right.''

 ''Swoop, Splash, you two can take the farthest wing. Mist, come with me.'' Crag meowed. 

 Bluewing looked at her sister, horrified. ''You can't fight an eagle! It's too dangerous!''

 Mist looked at her sister. ''Yes I can, Bluewing. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Prey-hunters often do this. Nothing bad is going to happen.''

 Bluewing looked at Mist, doubtful, then nodded. ''All right, then. Promise me you'll be okay.''

 ''I promise.'' Mist meowed.

 Crag turned around. ''Let's start, then. Dovewing, Bluewing, Foxleap, you three have to stay out of the way.''

 Foxleap opened his jaws to protest, but Crag looked at his Tribemates. ''Now!''

 Swoop and Splash launched themselves onto the eagle's wing, while Crag and Mist quickly followed, launching themselves at the other wing.

 Bluewing watched her sister, horrified, as she clawed the eagle's wing and bit into it. The eagle let out an angry screech and its attention turned to the attackers.

 Suddenly, she heard a yowl. She saw Foxleap run toward the eagle and jump on the farthest wing.

 ''Foxleap, no! Get back here!'' Dovewing yowled, but the tom ignored her. Bluewing lashed her tail, both scared and angry.

 Soon, Bluewing heard Foxleap let out a panicked hiss. She looked at her Clanmate and noticed that the tom got his claws stuck in the wing. She let out a hiss full of shock and wanted to sprint over to him so she can help, but Dovewing got in her way.

 ''We can't join the fight. We have to listen to Crag.'' Dovewing regretfully whispered. 

 Bluewing stared at Foxleap, fighting the urge to jump over Dovewing so she can help her Clanmate.

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