Chapter 18

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 ''We're almost home!''

 Three sunrises passed since Bluewing and the others left the Tribe. Now they were back at the edge of the forest. Bluewing sniffed the air. She could smell the lake from there.

 She looked toward Mist, her sister, who decided to come with them to ThunderClan. She looked a little anxious, so she approached her. ''What's wrong?'' She whispered.

 ''I.. I don't know.'' Mist looked at her paws. ''I got so used to living in the mountains, that I forgot what grass feels like and how the forest smells like, and here I am, back at the edge of the forest..''

 ''And there's more!'' Bluewing purred. ''There's a lake in the middle of the forest!''

 ''A lake?'' Mist blinked.

 ''I'll show you once we get there!'' Bluewing purred.

 ''Are you two coming or what?'' Jayfeather hissed.

 ''Yes, we're coming.'' Bluewing rolled her eyes and ran after Jayfeather, followed by her sister. She silently followed the others in the forest and felt happier with each step she took, because that meant she was closer to ThunderClan's camp.

 I don't know how Mist managed to live in the mountains.. with no grass, and so many rocks.. I'm sure she'll get used to living in the forest again! Well, she'll live in the forest for the first time, because we used to live at the edge of it. I just hope Firestar lets her join ThunderClan.

 Mist's gasp of surprise snapped her out of her thoughts. They were near the lake now. She purred and looked at her sister. ''This is it! This is the lake.''

 ''What's that?'' Mist asked, looking at an island at the middle of the lake.

 ''Oh, that's where we hold Gatherings.'' Bluewing meowed.

 ''Gatherings?'' Mist tilted her head.

 ''Er- well, a Gathering is held when there's a full moon, on that island. Every Clan is present and the leaders announce what happened in their Clans since the last Gathering.'' Bluewing quickly explained.

 ''I think I understand.'' Mist meowed, then looked around. ''Is this ThunderClan's territory?''

 Bluewing nodded as she recognized the part of the forest they were in. ''Exactly! We'll be home in no time!''

 ''Home.'' Mist repeated quietly.

 ''Are you all right?'' Bluewing looked at her sister, worried.

 ''Yes, it's just that.. it's weird to have a third home.'' Mist admitted.

 ''I know, but you'll like it.'' Bluewing purred and followed the others through ThunderClan's territory. They soon entered the camp, and she felt happy to see her home again.

 Mist froze. ''Why.. Why is a fallen tree in the camp? Has it always been there?''

 ''Oh, no, actually. A couple of moons ago, it fell in our camp. I don't know how, I was out training with Brightheart when it happened.'' Bluewing meowed. ''It rained for many days though, so I think that's what caused it to fall.''

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