6- Gift

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   Early in the morning, Freddy was sat on his bed, examining the necklace he stole. It was indeed gold, and the shiny gem was a blue-green color. Thank goodness the candle light didn't make it only appear to be valuable.
   Now came the problem: how would he give it to Norton? Just walk up to the man and say "here's a necklace"? That would be too random...
   He sighed and went to the dining hall, leaving the necklace behind. It was too big to fit inside his pocket.

   Freddy went to his... people he tends to talk with. Normally, he doesn't go to talk to them every day, but thanks to his newfound horribly difficult to deal with crush, he became a little desperate for advice.
   "Yeah I don't think he figured anything out." Jose said.
   "Excuse me?" Freddy said, having just arrived.
   "Uh... wasn't talking about you." Jose looked to the side awkwardly.
   "Completely unrelated, but did you figure anything out like you said you would?" Kurt asked innocently.
   "Why yes, in fact I did." Freddy said. "Just like I knew I would."
   "Yep we believed in you," Jose said a tiny bit too fast. "So uhh, what did you figure out?"
   "What to give him, obviously," Freddy crossed his arms. "I just don't know how to give it to him now."
   "That's easy!" Kurt said. "Just give it to him! He's sitting over there." Kurt pointed to a chair at the end of the table that Norton was, indeed, sitting in.
   "And then what," Freddy asked. "Just give it to him without saying a single word?"
   "Well, why are you giving him the gift?" Jose asked.
   "So that he will like me."
   "Okay then say, uh," Jose scratched his head. "Say 'I hope you like me now that I gave you this'?"
   "No, that sounds horrible." Freddy wanted to face palm. "I need something better."
   "Why not say, 'I hope you enjoy this gift!'" Kurt suggested.
   "Because that doesn't explain to him why I'm giving it to him." Freddy sighed. "I bet he would ask."
   "Well what do you want him to think you gave it to him for?" Jose asked.
   "Nothing. I just want him to think I gave him a gift."
   "So then give it to him without saying anything!" Kurt said.
   "I don't like that idea." Freddy said.
   "Let Victor deliver it?" Jose suggested.
   "The postman."
   "Oh." Freddy looked at the postman. "Ehh... I don't think so."
   "You don't like any of our ideas..." Kurt looked down. "What are your ideas, huh?"
   Freddy thought for a bit. "Perhaps I will just present it as a gift for... the match we played."
   "Did he help you in the match you two did together?" Jose asked.
   "...Yes." Freddy said.
   "Then that could work."
   "Go give it to him now!" Kurt said.
   "No!" Freddy looked over at Norton. "I want to wait for the perfect time... but I'm not sure when that is."
   "Right now?" Kurt suggested.
   "No, everyone is eating breakfast."
   "Then just wait until we're all done." Jose shrugged.
   "You know what, I think I've got this." Freddy looked away. "I don't need you two anymore."
   "Aww..." Kurt sulked at the same time Jose said "Sure."

   Once everyone was finished eating breakfast, most people went on to do other things. Freddy stayed to watch Norton. He wanted to find the perfect time to give Norton the gift, and figured that maybe when he was away from others was a good time.
   However, Norton stayed at the table. Just... sitting there. Freddy waited, but Norton sat there for a long time, polishing his magnets. The prospector seemed to have no intention of moving.
   Would the man get up eventually? Freddy didn't feel like it was a good idea to give the gift while Norton was just sitting at the table. He would've preferred if Norton was standing by the window like the last time he saw him, but would that still be a bad time?
   Freddy didn't want anyone to notice... would he have to wait until... night time?
   That was a very long time from now. It was possible to wait... but what would the lawyer do in the meantime?
   As creepy as it sounded, observing Norton didn't seem like the worst idea. Freddy could possibly learn more about him that way.
   Watching Norton wasn't the worst idea... but it certainly wasn't one of the best ones either. The prospector leads a very boring life of sitting around staring at magnets, apparently. How long could a man sit in place, studying magnets, all while seeming very depressed? It was just sad and boring to watch.
   Freddy sort of wanted to try talking to Norton, but knew that nobody could really have a very successful conversation with the prospector. As sad as he seemed, trying to cheer him up wouldn't do much good. Freddy just had to wait until he could get past Norton's shell.

   "He says 'I've got this, I don't need you guys' and proceeds to stare at Norton the whole day, not doing anything." Jose commented.
   "He really should have let us help him..." Kurt shook his head.

   That night, Freddy sat on his bed, waiting for some time to pass. He held the golden necklace in his hand, preparing himself to give it to Norton.
   Hopefully Norton would be outside again. Jose said he was out there most nights, right? That meant the chances that Norton wouldn't be out there were low. At least if the prospector wasn't out, Freddy couldn't embarrass himself.

   The lawyer finally exited his room, taking the necklace with him. He cautiously went over to the balcony's door and opened it. Sure enough, Norton was out there again.
   Freddy hid the necklace behind his back as Norton turned to look at him. Freddy didn't wait for anyone to speak before stepping onto the balcony himself.
   "...I can leave." Norton said, already starting to turn.
   "Don't." Freddy said. Norton gave him a confused look.
   "If you want to look at the stars again, I'm just gonna go," Norton shrugged. "So I don't bug you and all..."
   You don't even talk to anyone, how would you bug them, Freddy thought to himself. "No. I came to see you this time." This time, he says, as if the first time wasn't.
   Norton tilted his head. "...Why?"
   Freddy took a deep breath as subtly as he could. He then removed the necklace from behind his back and presented it to Norton. "Here. A gift."
   Norton blinked in surprise. He stared at the necklace, not taking it. "...What?"
   "I figured you might appreciate it. Was I wrong?"
   Norton looked at the necklace, then at Freddy, then back at the necklace before carefully grabbing it. "Why would you give me a gift...?"
   Freddy shrugged nervously. "You... did save the both of us, during that match we participated in together..."
   Norton tilted his head at Freddy thoughtfully. "I have done much better for others, and they never gave me gifts. You don't seem like a very giving type, either."
   Freddy wasn't expecting to get exposed like this. What was the best response? "...Well. You're curious."
   "Yes, I am..." Norton studied the necklace. "I've always kept to myself here, then suddenly I keep seeing you around. And now you're giving me a gift?"
   At least Norton being curious about the lawyer meant he would talk to him. "I simply wanted to give you something I thought you would like. Is there something wrong with that?"
   Norton seemed to be getting increasingly confused. "With everything I previously knew about you, I would've expected you to keep such an item. But instead, you're giving it to... me?"
   "...Yes? Do you like it?"
   The prospector stared at the necklace, then stared back at the lawyer, clearly having lots of thoughts. "...What have I done for you?"
   "Well, as I said you did save me in that match..." Freddy shrugged.
   "That was a mutual thing... I wasn't even nice about it." Norton tilted his head. "That IS all I've done for you, isn't it? What is this...?"
   Freddy sighed. "Fine, I'll be a little more clear. I like you, and hope maybe we could talk more. I hope you enjoy the gift." Freddy turned and left.
   Freddy wasn't sure that was the best way to leave, but he was starting to get nervous. That prospector was really curious about his motives... he couldn't let him know the true motives. Not until they got closer.

   Norton stared at the necklace in his hand. He did like it. It seemed valuable, and who could resist golden treasures?
   But that just made things more confusing. He knew the lawyer liked riches. Yet he really gave that up... for Norton?
   Norton didn't like the feeling he got. It was too positive compared to what he'd been used to. He almost hoped the lawyer was just trying to use him for something, because the idea of someone giving him something so nice simply because they liked him was too confusing for him to manage.

   That lawyer... what was his name? Norton couldn't remember if he ever knew it at all.
   Maybe he would ask tomorrow.

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