Chapter 27

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Next day I ventured outside and sat on the back porch even though it was raining. But it was warm, spring rain the kind you got before a thunderstorm built up a few miles away, and the porch was protected. My chest ached, I'd had nightmares and I was still trying to blink away the afterimages of the news. I'd gone into the lounge where Roy was watching the news on his phone. He hadn't heard me go in and I'd frozen when I saw it, knowing what I was watching even if I'd missed the start.

The fire balls had been pretty big and it was a wonder that anyone had survived within a ten foot radius of the houses, let alone Mircea. Inside. Alone. They said that it was the walls collapsing on him that had saved his life. Deflected and absorbed the shockwaves and the worst of the heat.

Now that I was alone I felt like I could watch it for myself. I took my phone out of my pocket and brought the news up. The main feature about Mircea was gone, over with for a few hours. I needed to catch up with the world. I needed to know what was going on else where. But the news stayed with Romania.

The BBC correspondent was stood in a back alley of some town, there was police tape closing off the far end and there were still people, investigators, working the scene.

"Today here in Braşov in the Carpathians, the town where Prince Mircea and Brittan's very own Anwyn Edris rode on horse back in the picturesque mid afternoon sunlight, four men ganged up on a twenty five year old man and bludgeoned him to death. The men have been remanded in custody, charged with aggravated, pre-mediated murder. Though we do not have an official report, local men and women have said that the attackers are people loyal to the other side of the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen family, the line of royalty who believe they should hold the throne instead of Queen Elisabeta.

"This follows a spate of other attacks caused by people supporting both sides of the royal family, most unprovoked. All have been in response to the explosions Prince Mircea was caught up in.

"Others have been blaming the Bulgarians and demanding that the new Bulgarian government give an explanation. Some want the Bulgarian general who was in charge of the Black Sea coast to be brought out of jail and put into court forced to answer questions. There have been peaceful protests in the capitol outside the Palace, the protesters standing by the memorial in silence and wearing black from head to foot. When questioned about their calm response an elderly gentleman said 'we have all already experienced so much pain and death from the war. We want answers, but we do not want to see more suffering'.

"Earlier Queen Elisabeta made a statement to the people saying that she 'absolutely does not condone the violence that has sprung up'. She believes that 'it makes us no better than the forces who initially invaded our peaceful land' and that 'people who are arrested will be met with severe punishments'.

"It is expected that later on in the day the queen will speak on behalf of the prince in a press conference, perhaps even reading a speech that he has prepared.

"His cousin Princess Tereza who works closely with the homeless shelters and relief effort has said 'I know that Prince Mircea would be disgusted with what is happening. I cannot believe that the people of Romania are descending into chaos just because their prince, who is well on the way to recovery, was injured. Bombs are still being found from the world wars, it was always likely that someone would get hurt in Sulina eventually. He doesn't want people to kill in his name.'

"I'm Susanne Bligh, back to you in the studio."

I nearly booked a ticket over to Romania there and then, but I knew that I couldn't. I'd only have to leave again when Mircea was better and that was going to be even harder than leaving the first time because I knew the pain that would be waiting for me. Oh, but to even hear his voice. Even if he was only saying my name it would be enough.

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