The Missing Keychain

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Slater woke up the next day as usual; eating his breakfast that he made each morning, getting his uniform on, and etcetera. He received a special pin that had a Keyblade on it because he was in special training and could wield a Keyblade. He was considered higher up in the academy. And he felt good about it.

But he wasn't like the other higher ups, because they think that they need the most attention and are popular. That's why Aqua chose me, because I'm not like them. It became clear now. Obviously.

Today was a Saturday, but it wasn't very busy. Slater was riding around on his skateboard, the one made of his Keyblade. He decided to go see the restoration site.

He saw the group working there. There was Leon, Yuffie, Tifa, Cloud, and Erith were all there. "Hey there Slater!" Yuffie said enthusiastically as he walked to them. "Hey, what's up guys?" He asked. The restoration site did look much better than it used to. "Oh we were just dusting up the pillars and re-painting them. Also, we ordered new gates to put on the entrance or exit of the bailey." He nodded his head and said "That's cool." He looked at the huge castle. "When will it be done?" He asked. "Sometime soon, we just have to re-stabilize the roof and fix the cracks and plumbing in the wall" Leon said as he jumped down from the roof.

"Well I've got to go," Slater said as he checked his watch. "I might help you tomorrow." "That would help!" Cloud said as he smirked a little.

He skated all the way to the secret cave and unlocked it again. As he walked in, he saw a blinding light out of Aqua's Keyblade. "Ahh! My eyes!" Slater yelled as he rubbed his eyes. "Okay! My light magic works!" Once his vision returned, he looked at Aqua. "What?" Aqua said. He shrugged. "Anyways what's for today?" He asked. "Well, we might have to find the keyhole, for you to unlock with your Keyblade." She said. That sounded cool.

To unlock this lock with his Keyblade! Amazing. To test his power. "Okay, let's start to summon it. A shining light began. A figure in the shape of a keyhole above the sky appeared. A light came out of Aqua's Keyblade. She shot a beam and it went into the keyhole. "Quick! Use your Keyblade to unlock it!" The light shone out of his Keyblade. He shot it toward the keyhole. The keyhole stayed there. "Why won't it unlock?" He asked. Aqua stared at his Keyblade. "Oh! You don't have a keychain!" A key chain? He stared at Aqua's Keyblade. it had a star dangling around because of the keyhole. "I have to make you one!" Said Aqua.

The keyhole dissappeared. "What is your keychain?" Asked slater. "It's based off of a star fruit, that will keep you and your friends together, forever, no matter what. I'll make you one so we can unlock the keyhole. All of the seven lights should have one."

Kingdom Hearts: X-Blade Academy VOL I ( On hold, resuming around December 20th! )Where stories live. Discover now