Lost Memories

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The figure stared right into his eyes, but was covered by his hood. All he could see was endless darkness inside, and the postern chapel of the castle was fading around him. Was this it?

Slater knew what to do. He could re-summon his Keyblade! It dissappeared out of the mans grasp and into Slater's hand. He striked the man, but he blocked it. Two against one keyblade... He pushed as hard as he could. The man was stronger. With his other blade, he slashed Slater on the side. He fell to the ground, his Keyblade away from him. He was in shock, paralyzed; he couldnt move. The figure charged a huge shock wave, like in the begginning. everything seemed to fade. He heard a voice, and a boy jumped over him. "Take this!" A boy with a keyblade struck the man, slashing him severeral times, untill something started to glow off of the man.

The man dissappeared into the dark void. He was gone. The boy, and his two friend walked up to him. "Are you okay?" He couldn't see him, he was paralyzed. They held him up, and he started to regain controll of his body. Infront of him was a boy with spiky brown hair, white gloves, a keyblade that actually looked like a key, a dog, and a duck. "Thank you, uh-" "Sora!" "Donald!" "Goofy!" they all said. He smiled. "I'm Slater." He replied. Sora stared at Slater's keyblade. "How can you wield a keyblade?" He asked. "I was chosen, when a man in a coat simmilar to mine tried to attack me." He switched his Keyblade to the Oathkeeper. "Hey I have that Keyblade!" Sora summoned his Oathkeeper. They were Identical, exept for the Keychain. "This symbolizes us!" Slater said. It echoed. "Well, we're connected now. I'll catch you around Slater!" They were off.

A keychain dropped to the ground. He picked it up. It was a broken heart. It summoned into a Keyblade, that looked alot like the Oathkeeper. He knew it's name. Lost Memory.

A portal opened, and a hooded figure came out. "What do you want?" Slater asked, readying his new keyblade. "You can time travel, too. I've been looking for you, Slater." He said. "What?" Slater backed up, as the man got closer. The figure summoned a Keyblade. "You'll be a perfect vessel."

A door appeared, something rushed out, and then he felt a sharp pain. He was starting to black out.

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