Chapter 2: The Crossover

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Chapter 2: The Crossover

Captain's log supplemental. The Arizona is just on the edge of the Ivor system. I've convened with my senior officers for a briefing on the anomaly based on sensor readings we took an hour ago.

In the observation lounge of the Arizona, the senior staff of the Arizona Gathered around the table. At the head of the table was Captain Trent, and along each side of the table was the rest of the senior officers of the Arizona. Among them was Miral Aldrin, First officer, Th'etonnor, chief of security and senior tactical officer, lieutenant commander T'pon, the Vulcan Chief engineer and second officer, Lieutenant Commander Dolovain, the new Denobulan Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Horan, Chief science officer, and Lieutenant Hawk, head of operations. They all sat around the table, preparing their files and waiting for the ship-board clock that the Captain had installed to go to 10:00.

"So,"started Trent, clapping his hands once as he said so, "what have you got for me?"

"It appears to be a spatial anomaly that we currently are not familiar with." replied Horan. "Sensor reports indicate it is a type of subspace rift that is large enough for even a Borg Cube to pass through-"

"All the more reason to assume this is the start of a borg invasion!" interrupted Hawk.

"Lieutenant, what you are saying is not logical." commented T'pon. "The borg have not been seen ever since the USS Voyager returned from the Delta Quadrant. Furthermore-"

"that doesn't mean that there aren't several Borg cubes on the other side of that anomaly, waiting for their victims to come through so they can assimilate them!" Yelled Hawk.

"Hawk that's enough!" Demanded Aldrin, her authoritative voice silencing the entire room. "We all know what happened to your brother, and we all sympathize with you. However, right now we need you to stay on the task at hand. Is that understood?"

"...yes ma'am." replied Hawk, her voice a lot quieter than usual.

"Horan can you please continue with your analysis?"asked Trent

"Yes Captain." replied the impatient Horan. "I sent a probe into the Ivor system an hour ago sir." Horan walked up to the viewscreen behind the captain. He typed a few commands into his PADD and then a diagram appeared on the screen. "This diagram shows the rifts energy mass to the matter that comes out of it. Notice how the energy mass stays relatively consistent when nothing goes through the rift, but when any sort of matter passes through the rifts aperture, before then, the rift's energy mass spikes with the energy mass of the object that comes out."

"So we have a method of telling when ships are going to pass through." figured Th'etonnor.

"Do you have anything else?" asked Aldrin.

"Yes I do." he replied. "I told the probe to scan the other side of the anomaly whenever it opened. As far as I can tell, it leads to an entirely different universe."

"How did you come to this conclusion?"asked Trent. "This is very serious news we could be dealing with here."

"The probe scanned the star layout and compared it against star charts from past, present and future and found no correlation." answered Horan. "Furthermore, the probe scanned what appeared to be a class D planet below the rift's end at that point. Scans show heavy habitation as well as a varying quantum signature to our universe."

"A quantum signature shows which universe the object originates from." explained T'pon. "As the quantum signature in question does not match with our own, we can assume that this rift leads to an unknown universe."

"Interesting" remarked Trent. "Does anyone have any suggestions?"

"I recommend putting the ship on yellow alert Captain." answered Th'etonnor.

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