Chapter 10: The End?

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Chapter 10: The End?

"And you're absolutely sure there's nothing else you could do?" Questioned Admiral Picard.

"As I told you before, Kerala left us with no option." answered Trent, slightly impatient at how he had answered the question 2 times before. "He was going to make his escape and get away with it, and as we couldn't disable then with our phasers, we had no choice but to use Lieutenant Hawk's idea of transporting our Quantum torpedoes onto their ship to destroy them."

"I agree with you." replied Picard, tugging down at his uniform in his seat in the Enterprise's ready room. "Given the same circumstances and options, I'd probably go with you on that one. I must say it was an excellent idea to replace your schematics with a computer virus."

"Thank you sir." Thanked Trent. "We had the virus lying around after the war. Both the Arizona and the Galway had it on there in case the Jem'hadar attacked and captured us."

"I understand you have something else to show me?" queried Picard.

"Yes I was about to get to that actually." started Trent. He pressed a few buttons on the desktop computer and turned it around, showing Picard a map of the surrounding area within 15 light years, with various red dots and some red lines connecting them.

"My chief engineer came up with a method of using our subspace transceiver array to detect their ships in the region they call 'hyperspace'. With access to one of their hyperdrives, he managed to modify our transceiver to scan for recent entry and exit points from hyperspace. This is what he found after his first scan 2 hours ago."

"The red dots signify an entry or exit point, and the lines indicate the direction the vessel in hyperspace had to take to get there." Trent explained as he got up to point at the map for Picard.

"These must be probes left over from when the Devastator was probing the region." figured Picard. "They must've spread out even beyond the range of this map by now."

"Princess Leia tells me that these probes are used to map routes for their vessels to travel in." Described Trent. "They're also described as being highly elusive; if they come under a tractor beam by another vessel they'll instantly self-destruct."

"I want the modifications to your transceiver array sent to me immediately." ordered Picard. "I'm ordering all starships within a 300-light year radius of the Ivor system to search for any signs of these probes and destroy them on sight."

"And what about us?" eagerly asked Trent.

"You and you're crew have been through enough recently. You'll be allowed to proceed to starbase 75 for 1 month shore leave." Answered Picard.

"Thank you Admiral." replied Trent. "This means a lot for my crew."

"Anytime Captain." finished Picard. "I hear that you and Captain Styles are planning a cricket match at Starbase 75."

"Yes we are sir." Gladly replied Trent. "We're hoping to do it within the next few weeks."

"Well, if we can finish off getting rid of the probes here, you can bet on my attendance."

"Thank you Sir. It'll mean a lot to us." Both men shook hands before Trent walked out of the ready room.

Sickbay on the USS Arizona was usually not busy at this time of day. However, today sickbay was full of crewmembers with various injuries, mainly sustained during the battle, whereas others were inflicted during the escape of the prisoners on the Arizona. Chief Medical Officer Dolovain, who would normally attempt to bust himself with paperwork, now found himself operating on patients plasma burns with dermal regenerators, ordering his medical staff to perform various operations on crew members to get them back up and running.

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