Chapter 9: Betrayal

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Chapter 9: Betrayal

"As planned, we managed to retrieve the plans for the Arizona and sabotage the vessel." Stated Vader through the com link he had just established with the Devastator. "I'm transmitting the plans now."

He pressed a few buttons on the pad he had used to store the file in and sure enough, he managed to send it to the Devastator with a resounding beep.

"Many thanks Lord Vader." Replied Kerala. "Our mission is complete."

"Please prepare for our arrival." Ordered Vader.

"Oh I don't think I need to." Boisterously replied Kerala.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly?" Impatiently asked Vader.

"You see, before you came to the Devastator, my commanding officer had promised me command of the ship when he left." Ranted Kerala. "When you came, I suddenly found myself with no chance of commanding such a powerful vessel as a Star Destroyer. For the past 13 years I've waited for you to go, waiting for you to finally cede command of the Devastator to me. But you never did, you never left. And even when you went to the Executor you left another captain in command instead of me."

"Listen Kerala," replied Vader, "you are incapable of holding a command. The reason why you are in the position you are is because you constantly argue with-"

"THE ONLY REASON WHY I'M IN THE POSITION I'M IN IS BECAUSE YOU NEVER GAVE ME A CHANCE!" Yelled Kerala, cutting off Vader mid sentence. "Now that you're gone and there's no-one else watching, who can stop me from being captain of my ship? Who's going to question the death of the valiant Lord Vader, who was destroyed by the enemy after sending the plans of one of their spaceships to CAPTAIN Jason Kerala? Goodbye my lord. I hope you enjoy the force version of hell!"

He cut the transmission as a console on the ship they had stolen lit up saying that it detected a weapons power up.

"Raise the shields!" ordered Vader. "Evade the Devastator!"

"The controls aren't responding sir!" frantically called the officer who took the helm. "I can't change our heading!"

"Shields aren't responding either." announced the officer next to him. "The weapons on this ship appear to be offline as well!"

Vader, now horrified at the situation he was in, started shaking inside at the thought of his death. He, the mighty Darth Vader, dead? It couldn't be true, it wasn't true. The force told him he still had a role later on, but how would he get there when he was about to die?

In orbit of Ivor Prime, the USS Colorado slowly floated in front of the Devastator. The Colorado, now with no control over it's course or direction, was defenceless as the Devastator pounded into it's hull with turbolaser fire. On the Colorado, consoles exploded, sparks flew and the entire ship shook, sending officers flying everywhere and killing those standing too close to the consoles. As the ship exploded around him, Vader felt a mysterious light start to claim him, slowly engulfing him until his vision was pure white. Outside, the Colorado exploded, leaving nothing but scattered debris and burnt body parts floating in the space it once occupied.

"Captain, the USS Colorado has been destroyed." announced Th'etonnor, now back at his station as well as Aldrin, both still shocked at the power of the man who they had just seen killed by his own men. "The Devastator is hailing us."

"Onscreen." ordered Trent. The man they now knew as Jason Kerala appeared on the screen.

"Don't think that saves you from us." angrily started Kerala. "With your precious ship disabled, there's nothing stopping us from getting away with the plans we just came into possession of."

"Don't be so full of yourself." combated Trent. "This ship still has many tricks you're unaware of. Surrender yourselves immediately or we'll be forced to destroy you."

"I think not." replied Kerala. "In fact, I would demand the same thing, but seeing that we're outnumbered, I'd prefer to fight another day."

"You leave us with no choice." aggressively ended Trent, the transmission cutting off with the end of his sentence.

"The Devastator is powering up it's engines." Reported Horan. "They're trying to escape!"

"Is file 71099 ready?" asked Trent.

"It had some issues integrating into the foreign technology, but we'll still be able to control basic things such as propulsion and weapons."

"Lock their weapons and engines into a diagnostic cycle and stand by for further orders." ordered Trent.

Hawk stared into her console, thinking if her idea was relevant, and then announced "Sir, I think I have an idea to get rid of them."

Kerala stood confident on the bridge, his bridge with the untimely death of Lord Vader. It was such a shame that he had to be disposed of, but never mind that, it let him take full command of the Devastator. He knew he wouldn't have been able to do this alone, and this misadventure into the other universe had allowed him and his fellow disgruntled crew mates to take control of the ship.

The Devastator was slowly turning to face where it had came from. The hyperdrive below them slowly hummed as it built up the necessary power to push the ship into hyperspace. He smiled as the ship finished aligning with it's hyperspace course.

Just as the humming was about to climax, it suddenly stopped, switching off with a steady fall in intensity. Kerala looked confused

"Captain, the hyperdrive's offline!" suddenly announced an officer. "It's stuck in diagnostic mode!"

"Same for the weapons!" called another officer. "I can't get any power to the turrets!"

"It must've been Vader!" angrily realised Kerala. "Force restart the entire hyperdrive assembly and get us away at full sub-light!"

It was then he heard the faint humming sound from the back of the bridge. Then he turned around to see the 3 black tubes labeled 'Quantum Torpedo Mark I'. Then he realised that the system diagnostics were not Vader's fault, but the Arizona's. Then he realised he was going to die. As he saw the Arizona on the rear view screen being tractored away by another vessel with the name 'USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E' emblazoned on the hull, he accepted his failure as he closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable explosion to claim his life.

In orbit of Ivor Prime, the Devastator slowly floated away from the Arizona. The ship, now scarred and battered beyond recognition, was in no shape for a battle of any sort. In fact, if it had taken any more hits, the entire ship would've fallen apart. At that moment, it would take those hits and then some, thanks to the 30 Quantum torpedoes transported on board, over half of the Arizona's complement of Quantum torpedoes.

The explosions started at the bridge, the 3 torpedoes located there exploding and turning the entire tower into a ball of flame, killing everyone in the command tower. The explosions continued through the hull, coursing through the corridors, killing stormtroopers and officers alike, the flames erupting from the holes and cracks in the Devastator's hull. Then, when it seemed like the ship couldn't take anymore, the whole thing consumed itself in a massive explosion, sending shockwaves in every direction. The Arizona and the Enterprise, which had come to get the Arizona away from the explosion as quickly as possible, felt the shockwave very lightly, alongside the Moscow, Crazy Horse, Galway, Tantive IV and the other 2 captured Star Destroyers now in tractor beams as the ships were lightly pushed away from the explosion, escaping the carnage as small pieces of debris scattered across the entire area.

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